Customer Reviews for ARSE Inc
(U-Haul Neighborhood Dealer)

8 évaluations

86 Doug Cassday Rd   Ponce De Leon, FL 32455

(850) 813-7002

Heures d’ouverture

  • Du lundi au vendredi : de 8 h a.m. à 12 h p.m.
  • Samedi et dimanche : fermé

Services dans cet établissement :

Pour nous contacter

(850) 813-7002

86 Doug Cassday Rd
Ponce De Leon, FL 32455

Services dans cet établissement :

Heures d’ouverture

  • Du lundi au vendredi : de 8 h a.m. à 12 h p.m.
  • Samedi et dimanche : fermé
Aucune photo disponible
  • Retour client 24 heures

Testimonials From Recent Customers

Les commentaires de nos clients sont extrêmement importants pour nous. Nous en tenons compte pour guider nos efforts et améliorer notre service. Tout ce qui suit vient directement de la part de nos clients, sans filtre ni modification.

Overall Rating:

Les commentaires sans texte sont cachés. Afficher affichés. Ne pas les afficher

Évaluation :

Out in middle of nowhere and grass was high. Hard to tell where to turn into lot especially at night

Évaluation :

Robin is the sweetest uhaul representative I've ever met and I wish I needed uhauls more often so I would have an excuse to receive the stellar customer service offered at this location. Our truck was at an unmanned location and the fabulous young lady answering the phone helped me through the rental process in accessing my lock box. I love uhaul and can't wait to rent again!

erika r 
Évaluation :

Le client n'a pas laissé de commentaire.

Amy C 
Évaluation :

There was no office where the trucks were parked. Had to go to another location to do paperwork and then 10 miles to get truck. Would be nice to let renters know where to sign for truck before going to pick it up. The office staff were very nice but uhaul has it set up wrong to get the truck.

Kathryn O 
Évaluation :


John B 
Évaluation :

When you offer an unstaffed location for drop off, that should be very clear. The website indicates that this site is open 8am to 12pm which seems to indicate staffing. A text to the number on the sign about renting vehicles on the site went unanswered. The number given in the contract to call although a local number sent me to Colorado and that fellow didn't know anything about this location in Florida. Finally, if you require customers to use the internet, you should site your locations where there is internet. This is a rural location and it took over an hour and a half to complete the return, the whole time hoping not to be dropped again as I had been multiple times before. A phone call to your help line was also dropped. Would I recommend this site, never. Would I rent from U-Haul again, not without overcoming a lot of reservations.

Malcolm C 
Évaluation :

Horrible reception. and cannot contact anyone. Took hours to get the rental.

William H 
Évaluation :

Le client n'a pas laissé de commentaire.

James S 
Non les évaluations ont été soumises pour cet établissement.

Services supplémentaires à cet emplacement

  • Camions de déménagement

    Nous avons la plus grande sélection de camions neufs!

  • Remorques et remorquage

    Nos remorques fermées et ouvertes sont offertes à partir de 14,95 $!

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