Customer Reviews for Marathon Pawn 1
(U-Haul Neighborhood Dealer)

12 évaluations

724 Broadway Ave   Mc Kees Rocks, PA 15136

(412) 778-0365

Heures d’ouverture

  • Mon-Sat: 9 am–7 pm
  • Dimanche : de 10 h a.m. 5 h p.m.

Services dans cet établissement :

Pour nous contacter

(412) 778-0365

724 Broadway Ave
Mc Kees Rocks, PA 15136

Services dans cet établissement :

Heures d’ouverture

  • Mon-Sat: 9 am–7 pm
  • Dimanche : de 10 h a.m. 5 h p.m.
Aucune photo disponible
  • Retour client 24 heures

Testimonials From Recent Customers

Les commentaires de nos clients sont extrêmement importants pour nous. Nous en tenons compte pour guider nos efforts et améliorer notre service. Tout ce qui suit vient directement de la part de nos clients, sans filtre ni modification.

Overall Rating:

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Évaluation :

This facility is hardly more then an supplementary business shoe-horned into a Pawn Shop. My pickup was moved here after a phone call from a Uhaul representative who did not offer me an alternative option. During pickup I was asked to move a vehicle which was blocking the truck I was attempting to rent. I was reluctant to do this due to liability but was asked repeatedly. Location is cluttered and the gentleman assisting me did not seem to understand that I had already completed check-in online and asked me all the same questions again. There are many Uhaul facilities in Pittsburgh, there is no need for this one.

Ethan G 
Évaluation :

The neighborhood and store were a mess, did not feel safe. I only went here because they had a furniture dolly and they did not. They were not helpful and seemed that they were put out by having to wait on us. I wanted to get out of the neighborhood as fast as possible and hen I revied the pictures from the text. the pictures were not at the same location. I was in an ally and the pictures were inside a storage facility. Extremely disappointed

Évaluation :

Le client n'a pas laissé de commentaire.

Évaluation :

They overcharged me way to much

Évaluation :

Le client n'a pas laissé de commentaire.

Daniel C 
Évaluation :

Le client n'a pas laissé de commentaire.

Peter R 
Évaluation :

Nothing much.

Mesgina k 
Évaluation :

There was no disclosure that this establishment did not take cash. Luckily the lady was nice enough to accept cash from me as that's all I had. But she asked for $20 extra as I'd say collateral. I was given the $20 back when returned. The worst part of it all was, the uhaul was left on E, I was expected to put gas in it to move myself and then replace the gas I used. I understand the person before me probably left it on E but shouldn't the uhaul establishment put gas in it for the next user? That was odd to be.

Ericka C 
Évaluation :

Le client n'a pas laissé de commentaire.

Reynold J 
Évaluation :

The gentleman inflicted the cost just to over charge me

Benjamin Q 
Évaluation :

Le client n'a pas laissé de commentaire.

Évaluation :

Le client n'a pas laissé de commentaire.

Anthony o 
Non les évaluations ont été soumises pour cet établissement.

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