Jauge magnétique pour propane

Jauge magnétique pour propane

4,99 $ 4,99 $ 4,99 $

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Description du produit

Numéro de produit :

Indicateur de niveau de carburant magnétique. Change de couleur avec le changement du niveau du carburant.

  • Indicateur de niveau de carburant magnétique
  • Échelle de couleurs
  • Change avec le niveau du carburant
  • Facile à enlever

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Questions et réponses (3)

Questions et réponses (3)

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*Toutes les questions sont revues et approuvées avant d'être publiées ou avant d'y répondre.
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How does this work?

-Rene 2/2/2024 6h04m33 pm

Hi Rene! Our MAGGAUGE is based on temperature variance between liquid propane in the tank and the vapor line. This Removable Accu-Level Propane Tank Gauge utilizes a very special yellow ink. When slightly heated, this ink will change color from yellow to orange. Upon cooling, it will change back to yellow. There is nothing that gets used up or wears out. Attach this propane tank gauge on the side of your 20lb. tank. Magnetic and movable from tank to tank. Fits all R.V. and B.B.Q. tanks. Our ADPTGAUGE is based on a magnet in the gauge, and a metal capsule in a dip tube. As the gas level goes down, the metal capsule goes down and is changes the guage reading reading. The most accurate is the BTGAUGE, which use a sonar ping to record and report back to your phone the % left in your tank.

-Kristy 6/2/2024 9h28m31 am

Will it work on a 100 lb propane tank and a 40 lb tank? If so I need to get two of them 3 one for my grill tank.

-Linda Richter 17/1/2024 3h59m40 pm

Hi Linda. This will work with 20, 30, 40, and 60. I hope that helps.

-Kristy 24/1/2024 6h38m30 am

Does the magnetic gas level indicator work in cold weather?

-Payton 10/10/2023 9h07m21 am

Hi Payton! In the summer, the bar on the right will be active. In the winter, the bar on the left will be active. Have a great day!

-Kristy 24/10/2023 5h54m29 am

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Description du produit

Numéro de produit :

Indicateur de niveau de carburant magnétique. Change de couleur avec le changement du niveau du carburant.

  • Indicateur de niveau de carburant magnétique
  • Échelle de couleurs
  • Change avec le niveau du carburant
  • Facile à enlever

Questions et réponses (3)

Pour voir la réponse à une question, cliquez simplement sur cette dernière. Pour publier une nouvelle question, cliquez sur le bouton « Poser une question » ci-dessous.

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*Toutes les questions sont revues et approuvées avant d'être publiées ou avant d'y répondre.
Veuillez poser des questions appropriées qui ont rapport au produit.

How does this work?

-Rene 2/2/2024 6h04m33 pm

Hi Rene! Our MAGGAUGE is based on temperature variance between liquid propane in the tank and the vapor line. This Removable Accu-Level Propane Tank Gauge utilizes a very special yellow ink. When slightly heated, this ink will change color from yellow to orange. Upon cooling, it will change back to yellow. There is nothing that gets used up or wears out. Attach this propane tank gauge on the side of your 20lb. tank. Magnetic and movable from tank to tank. Fits all R.V. and B.B.Q. tanks. Our ADPTGAUGE is based on a magnet in the gauge, and a metal capsule in a dip tube. As the gas level goes down, the metal capsule goes down and is changes the guage reading reading. The most accurate is the BTGAUGE, which use a sonar ping to record and report back to your phone the % left in your tank.

-Kristy 6/2/2024 9h28m31 am

Will it work on a 100 lb propane tank and a 40 lb tank? If so I need to get two of them 3 one for my grill tank.

-Linda Richter 17/1/2024 3h59m40 pm

Hi Linda. This will work with 20, 30, 40, and 60. I hope that helps.

-Kristy 24/1/2024 6h38m30 am

Does the magnetic gas level indicator work in cold weather?

-Payton 10/10/2023 9h07m21 am

Hi Payton! In the summer, the bar on the right will be active. In the winter, the bar on the left will be active. Have a great day!

-Kristy 24/10/2023 5h54m29 am

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