Customer Reviews for Dacotah Diamond Auctions
(U-Haul Neighborhood Dealer)

38 évaluations

110 E 1st St   Miller, SD 57362

(605) 204-5037

Heures d’ouverture

  • Du lundi au vendredi : de 8 h a.m. à 5 h p.m.
  • Samedi : de 8 h a.m. à 12 h p.m.
  • Sun: Closed

Services dans cet établissement :

Pour nous contacter

(605) 204-5037

110 E 1st St
Miller, SD 57362

Services dans cet établissement :

Heures d’ouverture

  • Du lundi au vendredi : de 8 h a.m. à 5 h p.m.
  • Samedi : de 8 h a.m. à 12 h p.m.
  • Sun: Closed
Aucune photo disponible
  • Retour client 24 heures

Testimonials From Recent Customers

Les commentaires de nos clients sont extrêmement importants pour nous. Nous en tenons compte pour guider nos efforts et améliorer notre service. Tout ce qui suit vient directement de la part de nos clients, sans filtre ni modification.

Overall Rating:

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Évaluation :

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Charles L 
Évaluation :

Due to heavy rains and low spots in yard, there was a lot of mud holes to navigate. However, service was quick and friendly, and I was able to pick up and be packing early.

shawn s 
Évaluation :

Very helpful.

Joe F 
Évaluation :

I rented 2 trucks, and an open trailer over the last 2 months. Had to drop it off at this place outside Miller SD. I NEVER saw him, I only got to talk to him 1 time,, untill we made his phone keep ringing untill he picked up. We Could NOT even leave him a message due to his "mailbox was full". I called you guys all 3 times. All with a different way to leave it somewhere. I just wanted to be done for the long day we had. This man had no designated structure, other than an old farm butler building with your sign on it. NO Entry anywhere, The only mailbox I saw was his brothers small personal box a ways away,, but a large black one was laying on the ground on it's side, with it open. I DO have pics to back all this up. I promice I will NEVER again use UHAUL, if I have to drop it off to this guy. Ask for pics, and give me a place to mail you them. Oh, the weather outside has been sub zero, snowing / raining, and just a miserable time to have to move. I would at least expect a transportation / moving Co. would make things abit less stressfull. Now I'm gonna just get POed every time I think of you all. That guy gives you a hell of a black eye in my book. Mabey pay these guys better?? Give them decent places to work? Russ N

russ n 
Évaluation :

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Rachel R 
Évaluation :

Met and exceeded all expectations

Évaluation :

Clayton is always very helpful and friendly.

Michelle L 
Évaluation :

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Latoya D 
Évaluation :

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James D 
Évaluation :


Chris P 
Évaluation :

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Wayne B 
Évaluation :

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Misty L 
Évaluation :

The service and site were great. The Fargo office was the problem. They switched me to this site, which was about 84 miles from where I reserved it. They would have given me 50 dollars to cancel but would do nothing to work with me on how much this inconvenienced me. She raised her voice, was very rude and when I told her she might be legally correct but this was poor customer service she got more angry. When she told me that UHAUL has been doing this for 60 years and been successful, I said I had been using Uhaul for about 30 years and have never been treated like this and may not be continuing. She then hung up on me. I am not sure if I will ever use your company again after this?

Thomas O 
Évaluation :

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Mark W 
Évaluation :

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bob h 
Évaluation :

Had to check out via text/email. Was charged for insurance that we did not request.

Travis H 
Évaluation :

This is not about this location but because you didn't yet ask about my overall experience I am putting it here... When I held my reservation I held it for a 26' truck and 1 car hauler, when I picked up the car hauler low and behold the price had doubled to 466 from 233... I only got 1 ya'll... I called customer service... Got a huge run around... But no satisfaction. I don't care what your records show... No matter when I put in the exact same information for the move I just made the car hauler always comes up at 233.... Again I say... I DIDN'T RENT 2!!!!!!!!!!

Tamara L 
Évaluation :

Great customer service!!

Matt s 
Évaluation :

Maybe use signs for pickup/returns

Kenneth E 
Évaluation :

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Stormy P 
Évaluation :

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James A 
Évaluation :

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Évaluation :

The online site for self return did not work for me, but those operating the location were extremely helpful in getting the rental checked back in - even though they were not open that day!

Kevin M 
Évaluation :

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Cal N 
Évaluation :

We were unable to contact the deal when dropping off the truck. There also was no drop box to leave the key. I Called the main help number for U-Haul and she could not contact him either,but she was able to help me to figure out what to do.

Évaluation :

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Thomas M 
Évaluation :

Outstanding transaction. Clayton Keck is the best.

Évaluation :

Nothing,Clayton was wonderful to work with!

Terry M 
Évaluation :

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Jane K 
Évaluation :

Clayton was very helpful in making sure everything was right for us!

Terry M 
Évaluation :

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Madison M 
Évaluation :

nobody there again, but appearantly everything is OK.

tom s 
Évaluation :

My reservation was in Aberdeen, SD. I had to drive 70 miles to Miller to get the truck. I was given extra miles and an extra day, but there should be a rate change or discount applied in this case.

Douglas C 
Évaluation :

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Évaluation :

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Ronnette C 
Évaluation :

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tom s 
Évaluation :

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Terry M 
Évaluation :

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Joanna J 
Non les évaluations ont été soumises pour cet établissement.

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