Customer Reviews for Hands On Expert Detailing
(U-Haul Neighborhood Dealer)

40 évaluations

523 Frink St   Cayce, SC 29033

(803) 865-2710

Heures d’ouverture

  • Du lundi au vendredi : de 8 h a.m. à 5 h p.m.
  • Samedi : de 9 h a.m. à 1 h p.m.
  • Sun: Closed

Services dans cet établissement :

Pour nous contacter

(803) 865-2710

523 Frink St
Cayce, SC 29033

Services dans cet établissement :

Heures d’ouverture

  • Du lundi au vendredi : de 8 h a.m. à 5 h p.m.
  • Samedi : de 9 h a.m. à 1 h p.m.
  • Sun: Closed
  • Retour client 24 heures

Testimonials From Recent Customers

Les commentaires de nos clients sont extrêmement importants pour nous. Nous en tenons compte pour guider nos efforts et améliorer notre service. Tout ce qui suit vient directement de la part de nos clients, sans filtre ni modification.

Overall Rating:

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Évaluation :

Easy to find. Plenty of room to back into designated spots.

Évaluation :

Very helpful.

doug c 
Évaluation :

Owner was not at the location. Communication was via text as I had to load the trailer by myself. I would not recommend this location. Please use the nearest uhaul which is about 4 minutes away.

Timothy J 
Évaluation :

Dirt road lot

Frank M 
Évaluation :

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Évaluation :

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Stephen P 
Évaluation :

The only thing was the location didn't have our rental items like the dolly, so we had to go to another location.

Oliver B 
Évaluation :

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Évaluation :

This place is awful. It's random grass field behind a sketchy auto shop. Luckily, I'm a big guy, so I felt okay. I would've felt very unsafe if I was woman returning/picking up alone.

Charles Y 
Évaluation :

I requested at one location for pickup and was sent somewhere else at the last minute for my pickup.

Kendall A 
Évaluation :

I would use them in the future...

Évaluation :

Le client n'a pas laissé de commentaire.

Craig M 
Évaluation :

Quick and Easy drop off

Jeremy R 
Évaluation :

Le client n'a pas laissé de commentaire.

Isaiah D 
Évaluation :

The pick up was in a pretty sketchy area, the worker to drop the lock off was pretty rough looking (black eye, looked like he had is but kicked).

Évaluation :

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William M 
Évaluation :

Dropped off after hours. Sketchy area.

Ryan B 
Évaluation :

No one was there when we showed up at our appointed time. They never showed up. They texted us that they were running late and that the key was in the truck and to go ahead and take it. The blankets and dolly I had requested were not in the truck and I had to drive to another U-Haul location to get them. (I ended up deciding not to get a dolly.)

Jane F 
Évaluation :

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Sharonda B 
Évaluation :

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Derrick B 
Évaluation :

Smooth easy rental.No problems or complaints.Thanks !!!

Daniel B 
Évaluation :

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Ricky B 
Évaluation :

definitely recommend getting the App first before starting a reservation and rental

Mark B 
Évaluation :

Looked abandoned. Weeds grown up around. No one there. Sketchy.

david m 
Évaluation :

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Josh J 
Évaluation :

It may be a good idea to mark clear spots to park the trucks. There are some spaces on the side and there is some equipment in the back on the grass. I usually park in a space instead of the grass, but it would be helpful to customers if parking was designated and clearly marked.

Évaluation :

Cut the grass and clearly mark parking spaces. I wasn't sure if I parked the truck in the proper location, but it was on a plot of asphalt, so I hope it was okay.

Jennifer J 
Évaluation :

Clean the inside and Take pictures inside. There was a stain that I got charged for but it was there before I got it.

Miles D 
Évaluation :

Original location was changed to this location (30 minutes away) and did not have the dolly requested in the order.

Derek B 
Évaluation :

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Samantha G 
Évaluation :

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Évaluation :

Still waiting on deposit, never did receive it on the card. Like they said they would. 100

Évaluation :

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amber s 
Évaluation :

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Yeriston S 
Évaluation :

Better instructions (no idea how to get into the truck), better location (no one that works here has any clue), less danger (the trucks are parked in high grass with ant hills (100's on the truck and many hills one has to stand in while unlocking the truck - many bites acquired). I would never go here again.

Mark H 
Évaluation :

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Wendy P 
Évaluation :

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Thomas J 
Évaluation :

Have the location be somewhere cleaner, less run-down looking, and more out in the open. If I didn't know this place was where I was picking up the truck, I would never stop here. For the reputation of U-Haul, I would highly recommend having your trucks be moved somewhere else. This part of town is pretty sketchy, and off the beaten path.

Christopher W 
Évaluation :

This location is a barely functioning business. Attempts to contact the location to confirm before pickup were impossible as the voicemailbox was full. The link on the UHaul website said the location was closed, so I tried to have my reservation switched to another UHaul store, at Knox-Abbott in West Columbia, SC, where I had made my original reservation. I was told by a staff member at the Knox-Abbott store that I had equipment reserved at an alternate location, but when I arrived to pick it up, the equipment was not available. I was then told I needed to drive across town to another location, but I was given the wrong address, and by the time I discovered the address of the correct second alternate location, the store was closed. I was then given directions on how to use your app to pick up the equipment at the original CLOSED location, but once I arrived at the location, your app provided no information on how to access the keys. There was an individual in a shack at the location drinking and smoking; he told me he didn't work for UHaul but the manager has given him the combination to the lock so I could unlock the truck and retrieve the keys. There was no contract, no check of the equipment or my ID or drivers license, no computer or other office equipment in the shack. I was given the keys and I left with the truck. Later that evening the regional manager Kevin called me and after I told him the story, he told me he would email me a contract. This rental location was SCARY and should not carry the UHaul brand. The truck was fine but this was the WORST UHaul rental experience I have ever had.

Meredith P 
Évaluation :

Le client n'a pas laissé de commentaire.

Donia M 
Non les évaluations ont été soumises pour cet établissement.

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