Customer Reviews for Walters Auto Service
(U-Haul Neighborhood Dealer)

38 évaluations

11401 Walters Rd   Houston, TX 77067

(281) 377-3686

Heures d’ouverture

  • Du lundi au vendredi : de 8 h a.m. à 6 h p.m.
  • Samedi : de 8 h a.m. à 4 h p.m.
  • Sun: Closed

Services dans cet établissement :

Pour nous contacter

(281) 377-3686

11401 Walters Rd
Houston, TX 77067

Services dans cet établissement :

Heures d’ouverture

  • Du lundi au vendredi : de 8 h a.m. à 6 h p.m.
  • Samedi : de 8 h a.m. à 4 h p.m.
  • Sun: Closed

Testimonials From Recent Customers

Les commentaires de nos clients sont extrêmement importants pour nous. Nous en tenons compte pour guider nos efforts et améliorer notre service. Tout ce qui suit vient directement de la part de nos clients, sans filtre ni modification.

Overall Rating:

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Évaluation :

Great service from the owner. Super helpful getting set up and returned.

duwayne m 
Évaluation :

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King L 
Évaluation :

The truck wasn’t clean at all and it have webs on it

Latara J 
Évaluation :

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Évaluation :

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Tina J 
Évaluation :

My pickup was moved to this location, which put it farther away from my loading point. The gentleman was nice, but gave me the wrong keys to a truck smaller than what I paid for. Had to go back for the correct keys. The truck was extremely filthy and sticky, there was trash in the cab as well as in the back that had to be cleaned out. I had drop off location set to the town I was moving to, but it was changed by the man at the desk to his sister location 40 miles away from my final location. I was unable to turn my truck in when I was done and had to wake up extra early to call the first location open. I had less than 2 hours to speak to someone and correct returning location to someplace local, and return my truck. I ended up having to pay for extra miles because of the switch up on both my pick up and drop off location, 30 extra miles between both changes. I otherwise would have been able to keep my rental within the alloted complimentary mileage.

Alicia A 
Évaluation :

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Angela W 
Évaluation :

Way too expensive for one day rental.

Oscar E 
Évaluation :

I was given the wrong truck at the pickup location. When I tried to correct the mileage before leaving the pickup location, the system would not let me update the mileage and the representative did not know how to correct it. So he sent me to another location and that's where they discovered that I was assigned the wrong truck number, and that was the reason for the mileage discrepancy. The manager at the other location was able to correct the issue, but the overall process took over an hour to get resolved.

William R 
Évaluation :

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Oscar P 
Évaluation :

Trailer was ready and Tu checked me in and out very quickly. I booked the trailer reservation online and everything went well. The return was especially fast, Tu was in the Parking Lot when I arrived and it took only about 2 minutes for him to take the trailer off my hitch and he completed the transaction over his cell phone. Great Experience.

Warren d 
Évaluation :

The management and sales people are EXCELLENT! The general manager runs this place VERY WELL!!!! You will not be disappointed.

Évaluation :

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Alex E 
Évaluation :

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Marisol R 
Évaluation :

Gentleman that prepared our rental was very friendly and helpful.

Chris G 
Évaluation :

Have the stuff at the original location KLeinwood storage.

Roger M 
Évaluation :

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Évaluation :

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Cameron O 
Évaluation :

Not a thing. The representative was quick and sufficient.

Elena V 
Évaluation :

No complaints

Jamil H 
Évaluation :

we only rent the trailer for 24 hours and we had to pay for 48 because they don't open on sunday and I did not need it when I went to reserve the trailer they did not told me that I was going to pick it up some place else until 3 minutes before pic up we lost time going to this place only to be charge one moreday that we did not need for other times I have make buisnes with uhaul its has been good .. thank you for let it me talk about my experience ..

alma e 
Évaluation :

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Jose P 
Évaluation :

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Évaluation :

Nothing. Trailer was ready and the facility helped me hook it up and had everything processed quickly and professionally.

duwayne m 
Évaluation :

My reservation was for $234 + $5 Admin Fee totaling $239.00. When I arrived at the location I paid $309,1 & the attendant told me the extra charge was in case I went over my mileage & if not I would be reimbursed.

john r 
Évaluation :

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manon s 
Évaluation :

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Évaluation :

Jeffery at the Kingwood location is a life saver and his customer service was impeccable! Highly recommend this location. Merci

Évaluation :

tldr: poor reservation and customer service on corporate level, Walters Rd location good RESERVATION GUARANTEE should apply twofold to the fact that I reserved an appliance dolly and did not receive one and that I originally booked an in-town 6'x12' trailer and appliance dolly on Friday Aug 21st, instead ended up with an overly large and 3x more expensive 15ft truck rented 1 way on Aug 29th. This specific location was good, corporate uhaul reservations and customer service FAILED MISERABLY and I barely was able to move in time despite reserving in advance. Customer service has neglected to call me 3 times after telling me to expect a call from a representative. Please follow through with your word and greatly improve booking and customer service for the next customer.

Évaluation :

I was rented a truck that should NEVER have been on the road. We didn't make 40 miles before the gearbox had to be replaced. 15 % variance to left front wheel. Brake fluid replaced was BLACK and had rubber and particulates in it. They refused new brakes or calipers or drum smoothed because they were within 1-2/1000th of an inch legal knowing we had over 1000 miles to go through mountains. A very frightening experience for 2 woman. Oh and no dash lights to make up any time. Passenger will be 70 next week and my dog is 12-1/2. I'm over 55. It was supposed to be a fun road trip for us girls for 2/12 days and ended up being a 6 day nightmare.

Évaluation :

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Évaluation :

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Gwen G 
Évaluation :

this location wasn't no better. after spending 230 in gas he told me that I had to put more in it. then he said I went over the mileage so I was charged for that. My entire experience with U Haul sucked!!! I couldn't return it back fast enough. I'm never using U Haul again!!!

arnita c 
Évaluation :

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Évaluation :

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Évaluation :

I spent quite a bit of time on-line with the specifics of my rental, then had to wait at pick-up for all of my information to be re-entered into the U-Haul system. This has happened before, and I have found the reservation confirmation number and the time taken to generate it is not helpful in smooth delivery of services. The pick-up location owner was very apologetic, but it took us about 45-60 minutes before we were finished with the transaction. I do not believe this was his fault, but due do to deficiencies in the U-Haul system.

Claudia H 
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