Cottonwood Rv & Storage

9 évaluations

875 S Third Street, Jal, NM 88252

Heures d’ouverture

  • Mon-Sat: 8 am–6 pm
  • Sun: Closed

Heures d’accès à l’entrepôt

  • Mon-Sun: 24 hours

Features Available at this Facility:

  • Accès 24/7
  • Paiements en ligne
  • Accès Internet sans fil
  • Accès électronique

Heures d’ouverture

  • Mon-Sat: 8 am–6 pm
  • Sun: Closed

Heures d’accès à l’entrepôt

  • Mon-Sun: 24 hours
Détails sur l'établissement
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Évaluations des clients

Évaluation :

Everything was great except for how close the trailers are.Not only hard to park between the campers and out of your car but the narrow access point.My trailer is a small 30ft trailer.The people were always available,nice and helpful.Seems like everyone that has a park is landlocked and pack them in.I will say this,most all places are doing this.Final straw to relocate was the police knocking on my neighbors place because of the music.Layed off in 2 weeks but had to get out anyway.Most of the time quite and loved management.

David W  |  Overall Experience 

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