Réservoir de propane en acier de 20 lb (5 gallon) – vide

Réservoir de propane en acier de 20 lb (5 gallon) – vide

59,95 $ 59,95 $ 59,95 $

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Veuillez prendre note

  • Le réservoir de propane est vendu et expédié vide. Il peut être rempli au prix local à n'importe quel magasin U-Haul qui offre du propane.


Description du produit

Numéro de produit :

Ce réservoir de propane de 20 lb en acier est pré-purgé pour permettre un remplissage rapide et intègre un dispositif anti-débordement pour des remplissages sûrs. Tous les réservoirs de propane portatifs de U-Haul sont dotés de poignées faciles à saisir pour un transport plus pratique et laqués pour la prévention de la rouille. Ce cylindre de propane est idéal pour tous les appareils ménagers fonctionnant au propane, les grils au gaz, les chaufferettes d’extérieur ou les réchauds de camping

  • Dimensions : 17,8 po de hauteur, 12,3 po de diamètre
  • Vous cherchez une taille différente? Consultez notre tableau des tailles de réservoirs de propane pour trouver le modèle qui répond le mieux à vos besoins.
  • Ce réservoir est compatible avec les accessoires POL et QCC.
  • Ce réservoir est vide et prêt à être rempli à n'importe quel établissement de propane U-Haul.
  • Réservoir en acier 20 lbs (peut contenir jusqu’à 20 livres de propane, ou 4,7 gallons)
  • Le poids du propane est estimé à 4,2 livres par gallon.
  • Le réservoir pèse environ 17,8 livres lorsqu’il est vide.
  • Le poids du réservoir est estimé à 37,8 livres lorsqu'il est rempli de propane.
  • Le fabricant garantit que les produits Flame King (à l’exception de la peinture et du fini) ne présentent aucun défaut de matériaux et de fabrication pendant 1 an à compter de la date d’achat. Pendant cette période, le fabricant remplacera ou réparera les pièces défectueuses déclarées inutilisables de son utilisation prévue en offrant les pièces franco à bord de Pico Rivera, CA 90660. La peinture et le fini du produit ne sont pas garantis. Le fini extérieur du produit s’usera avec le temps.
  • Nettoyez l’unité après chaque utilisation afin de maintenir le fini et prolonger la durée de vie du produit. Essuyez toute graisse et cendre. Gardez les produits en métal exempts d’humidité, de sels, d’acides et de fortes fluctuations de température. La garantie ne couvre pas l’usure normale des pièces ou les dommages causés par une mauvaise utilisation, un abus, une surchauffe et une modification. Les réparations ou les modifications effectuées par toute autre personne que Flame King ne sont pas couvertes par la garantie. Le fabricant ne sera pas tenu responsable des pertes dues à un fonctionnement négligé. De plus, cette garantie ne couvre pas les dommages causés par des catastrophes naturelles comme les tremblements de terre, les ouragans, les tornades, les inondations, la foudre, les incendies, etc.
  • À l’expiration de cette garantie, toute cette responsabilité sera terminée. Aucune autre garantie n’est explicite ou implicite. Conservez tous les reçus de vente d’origine. Une preuve d’achat est nécessaire pour toutes les réclamations sous garantie. Une autorisation écrite préalable et un numéro d’autorisation de retour doivent être obtenus et acceptés pour la réparation ou le remplacement uniquement. Les retours doivent être expédiés prépayés. Les envois port dû ou les envois sans numéro d’autorisation de retour ne seront pas acceptés. *La garantie s'applique uniquement aux États américains contigus.
  • Vous voulez gagner du temps? U-Haul propose maintenant la livraison de réservoirs de 20 lb dans les régions métropolitaines de Phoenix et de Los Angeles.

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Veuillez poser des questions appropriées qui ont rapport au produit.

Where is the manufacture date and what does it look like on 20 lb propane tank

-Jerry 16/1/2025 11h08m51 am

Hi Jerry! These tanks are brand new and certified for 10 years. I hope that helps!

-Kristy 27/1/2025 7h33m17 am

What does 5 gallon empty mean?

-Get Wood 8/1/2025 7h55m13 am

Hi! When the tank is purchased, it is empty. It holds up to an estimated 20 pounds of propane, or 4.7 gallons. I hope that helps.

-Kristy 9/1/2025 7h57m49 am

Do you fill partially full tanks, top them off?

-Get Wood 8/1/2025 7h48m50 am

Hi! Please reach out to your nearby U-Haul Center and they can assist with filling your tank. Have a great day!

-Kristy 9/1/2025 7h56m40 am

Do you sell empty propane tank's

-Marie 8/9/2024 6h56m28 pm

Hi Marie! Yes, we do. Check out this link. https://www.uhaul.com/MovingSupplies/Propane-Tanks-Heaters/

-Kristy 11/9/2024 1h22m04 pm

Can this tank be used for a 28 inch blackstone grill? It says it need to be a 20 pound LPG tank. I'm new to having a black stone so I'm not sure.

-Shay 21/7/2024 3h05m36 pm

Hi Shay! This would work out perfect. Have a great day!

-Kristy 28/7/2024 8h15m57 pm

Can I exchange expired uhaul tank with new one for free or do I get any credit for expired/old tank ? I bought the tank from a uhaul store 4 years back and someone in the uhaul store said the tank is expired. I just read that the expiration is 12 years. Please assist, what so I need to do.

-Anuj Subedi 10/5/2024 10h27m00 am

Hi Anuj. A new tank will need to be purchased; we do not have an exchange program. I hope that helps.

-Kristy 17/5/2024 7h09m08 am

when buying a new 20lb tank, is the first fill free or must I pay additionally to fill the tank?

-D Byrd 22/4/2024 9h01m48 am

This is just the tank and would need to be filled. We do not offer first fill free.

-Christopher 22/4/2024 10h34m50 am

My tank is expired. What is the expiration date on your new tanks? I thought mine said 12 years?

-Mike Monocello 31/1/2024 8h09m25 am

Hi Mike. 12 years in the US, 10 years in Canada.

-Kristy 31/1/2024 11h43m13 am

What is the warranty policy on a propane tank

-Jessica tavera 5/1/2024 7h20m49 am

Hi Jessica! We do not have a warranty policy. Any warranty issue would need to be directed to the manufacturer of the tank. I hope that helps.

-Kristy 10/1/2024 12h27m47 pm

Can I return my empties for credit

-Jules 6/12/2023 12h06m33 pm

Hi Jules! Once your purchase the tank, it now belongs to you. Have a great day!

-Kristy 13/12/2023 9h55m28 am

Does it have to be filled at a u-haul ??

-Stephen McGinniss 4/12/2023 11h07m16 am

While we are happy to assist with your propane needs! -This is only the tank, and can be filled elsewhere

-Christopher 5/12/2023 8h57m59 am

What is the price to refill a Uhaul propane tank?

-Dan Harris 30/3/2023 9h27m47 pm

Hello Dan. Please use this link, enter your zip and it will advise the cost and locations to fill. https://www.uhaul.com/Propane/ I hope that helps!

-Kristy 31/3/2023 5h59m46 am

How do I know my tank is being filled to its capacity?

-Ronald Lamp 4/2/2023 4h05m06 pm

Hi Ronald! Check out this link, https://www.uhaul.com/Tips/Propane/The-Different-Propane-Tank-Sizes-13600/. I hope that helps.

-Kristy 4/2/2023 9h12m52 pm

I bought a new tank from uhaul and the valve is stuck close. I can't even use it. What can I do to get it unstuck?

-Demetrick 25/11/2022 12h25m53 pm

Hello Demetrick. I'm sorry to hear this but if you purchase online please email us for assistance or call 1-866-277-6855. If purchased instore please visit that location for assistance. Thank you

-Shenavia 5/12/2022 10h39m23 am

How many pounds has a galones of gas butane

-Pedro C. Rodriguez 2/7/2021 12h35m47 pm

Hello Pedro, One gallon of Butane Gas is equal to about 5lbs. The Propane that should be going into this tank only would weigh about 4.24lbs per gallon of propane.

-Anthony 8/7/2021 1h03m17 pm

a defect A u-haul brand tank can get a replacement

-MD 10/5/2021 9h02m10 am

You can return to any U-Haul Center for a replacement tank along with your receipt. Thank you

-Frank 10/5/2021 12h51m57 pm

You can return to any U-Haul Center for a replacement tank along with your receipt. Thank you

-Frank 10/5/2021 12h52m19 pm

A propane tank I bought from U-Haul online in November seems to be leaking no matter how tight I close it. I can smell the propane. Can I bring it to the local U-Haul facility and have it replaced?

-Bob 9/3/2021 9h37m38 am

Hello Bob, Yes, for sure. It might be something they can easily fix. Please bring your receipt with you to your Closest U-Haul Center. Thank you

-Frank 10/3/2021 6h14m52 am

What grade is the propane? Is it HD-5? Or HD-10? Or is it a different standard? I am using this for an application that needs a certain chemical composition.

-Aidan 12/1/2021 2h36m31 pm

Hello, these tanks do not come with propane. You can fill at any U-Haul Center or other location. Thanks for your question.

-Frank 13/1/2021 6h12m46 am

Can this tank be turned upside down for filling 1lb tanks with an adapter or will it shut off? Thank you for your time.

-Jake Marais 16/12/2020 6h11m24 pm

Hello Jake, These tanks would shut off it tipped over. Thanks for your question.

-Frank 17/12/2020 6h26m52 am

Are these tanks prepurged and ready to use? Does it have overfill protection?

-Jake Marais 16/12/2020 5h49m10 pm

Hello Jake, Yes to both of your questions. Happy Holidays!

-Frank 17/12/2020 6h12m36 am

This week, during the day and while grill and tank not in use, the alarm on the Accu-Guage began sounding. I have looked everywhere but can find no mention of an alarm. What does the alarm designate?

-Tom Martin 19/7/2020 3h37m13 pm

Hello, Tom! There is no alarm or anything that sounds in the gauge or the tank itself. The sound must be coming from something other than the cylinder such as your grill. Thank you!

-Savannah 8/3/2020 12h58:02 PM

How much is a refill for the 20 gallon

-Linda Steele 28/6/2020 8h40m09 am

Hi, Linda! Pricing varies based on local propane prices. Please check out our Propane Location Finder to find a local U-Haul propane center and to see pricing. Thank you!

-Savannah 6/29/2020 2h43:44 PM

Does this tank come with an overfill protection device?

-Tim 19/6/2020 10h58m57 pm

Hi, Tim! Yes, our 20 pound cylinders have an overfill protection device. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 22/6/2020 9h05m52 am

Are our tanks ASME certified.

-sue scheer 8/6/2020 7h44m04 am

Hello, Sue! No, our tanks are not ASME certified. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 6/9/2020 3h45:47 PM

Can you deliver it filled?

-Deënna 7/5/2020 12h46m57 pm

Hello, Deënna! Unfortunately, at this time, we do not offer propane cylinder delivery. You will need to take the cylinder to your local U-Haul Propane Center to have it filled. Thank you!

-Savannah 5/7/2020 3h26:58 PM

Can you refill these tanks anywhere or do you have to go to a U Haul dealer

-Dave 6/4/2020 6h19m03 am

Hi, Dave! Our propane cylinders can be refilled at your local U-Haul Propane Center or any other propane retailer of your choice. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 6/4/2020 7h28m10 am

Are your tanks DOT Certified?

-Doug 28/3/2020 10h32m43 pm

Hello, Doug! Yes, our 20 lb. propane cylinder is DOT certified. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 30/3/2020 10h40m17 am

How many gallons of propane to fill the 20 lb tank? Do you fill any tank there or only ones purchased from U-Haul?

-Dan 25/3/2020 3h12m49 pm

Hello, Dan! Propane gallon capacity will vary depending on environmental conditions (temperature, pressure, etc.), but we estimate that a 20 lb. cylinder will hold somewhere around 4.5 to 4.8 gallons. You can have any tank filled at your local U-Haul Propane Center. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 3/25/2020 3h17:41 PM

Would you be able to hook up the medium size Mr Buddy heater to this? Mr Buddy says you can use a 20lb tank though don't know if propane tanks are different.

-Andrew White 26/10/2019 9h37m28 pm

Hey, Andrew! Yes, a Mr. Buddy heater can be used with our 20 lb. propane cylinder, so long as you also purchase the necessary Hose Adapter. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 28/10/2019 10h06m48 am

Does this tank have a type I, right hand Acme thread? I just purchased a portable generator and the manual states to use a standard 20 or 30 lb LP tank with the indicated thread. I would like to make sure this tank is compatible with my generator before I purchase. Merci.

-Anne 9/10/2019 10h23m58 am

Hey, Anne! This cylinder has a right-handed QCC thread. In addition, it has a POL left-handed inner valve thread. This cylinder should hook up to your generator. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 10/10/2019 7h14m23 am

Is the propane tank full or empty when you buy it?

-Pat 21/9/2019 5h21m31 pm

Hi, Pat! All propane tanks we offer are sold empty. You will need to take the tank to your local U-Haul Propane Center to have the tank filled with propane. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 23/9/2019 7h19m10 am

Hi, it has to be U-Haul propane tank? or I can bring another brand tank to refill it. Merci

-Sam 12/9/2019 8h34m16 pm

Hi, Sam! U-Haul Propane Centers will fill any brand of propane cylinder - it does not have to be a U-Haul branded tank. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 13/9/2019 7h10m00 am

Hi, our conncetion on the hose is 1/4" wide. Would it fit on the propane tank? Merci.

-Stevo 1/9/2019 8h50m26 am

Hello, Stevo! No, our tanks are compatible only with POL or QCC fittings. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 3/9/2019 9h34m01 am

I've got 3-20# tanks I'd like to exchange for new ones at my local U-Haul. Two of the old tanks still have some propane in them. Will you take these partially filled tanks?

-Ralph Clevenger 8/8/2019 1h35m01 pm

Hi, Ralph! You can take your old tanks to your local U-Haul Propane Center to recycle/dispose of the used tanks for a fee of $9.95 USD each. At this time, we do not give credit for turning in used tanks, so a new tank will be sold at full price. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 8/8/2019 2h58:19 PM

Is this a brand new tank. Certified for 12 years?

-Mike 5/7/2019 4h39m58 pm

Hi, Mike! Yes, all of our tanks are brand new and unused. They are certified for 10 years. Thank you!

-Savannah 7/8/2019 12h17:49 PM

If I buy a new tank, can I leave my old tank (which is expired) there for recycling?

-Mike 5/7/2019 8h50m27 am

Hi, Mike! Yes, you can take an empty, expired propane tank to your local U-Haul Propane Center to have it recycled. Thank you!

-Savannah 7/5/2019 3h24:20 PM

Who manufactures these tanks?

-Jon 3/7/2019 3h57m47 pm

Hi, Jon! This tank is manufactured by Worthington Industries. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 7/8/2019 12h20:21 PM

Is the tank filled with propane gas?

-Frank 11/6/2019 8h28m51 pm

Hi, Frank! No, we sell our propane tanks empty. Please take your tank to your local U-Haul Propane Center to have it filled. Thank you!

-Savannah 13/6/2019 10h08m25 am

Do the tanks need to be completely filled, or do you do halfway?

-E 17/5/2019 1h34m11 pm

Hello! Your local U-Haul Propane Center can fill your tank as little or as much as you'd like. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 5/17/2019 1h59:48 PM

How much to refill a 20 lb tank

-Andre 12/4/2019 7h02m15 pm

Hello, Andre! Price per gallon varies based on location. Please use our U-Haul Propane Location Finder to see what the pricing is at a location near you. Thank you!

-Savannah 15/4/2019 7h05m25 am

Is this a steel tank? Also is the gauge a pressure gauge or one with an actual float? Thanks

-William 6/2/2019 8h09m00 pm

Hi, William! Yes, our 20 lb. propane tank is made of steel. The included gauge is a float gauge. Thank you for your questions!

-Savannah 7/2/2019 7h15m12 am

Will the location that sells me the thank purge it before filling? Any cost?

-Michael 21/11/2018 3h26m12 pm

Hey, Michael! Yes, you can have your propane tank purged and filled at any U-Haul Propane Center. You can see the cost of propane per gallon by entering your zip code on our Propane homepage. Purging is included in the cost to fill. Thank you!

-Savannah 11/21/2018 3h35:58 PM

I own two 20 lb Blue Rhino propane tanks that I purchased from a local Giant 6 mos ago. Can I get my tanks refilled at Uhaul, even though my tanks were purchased elsewhere?

-Arv 5/9/2018 5h10m32 am

Hey, Arv! As long as the tank is not expired/damaged, you can absolutely get it filled at your local U-Haul Propane Center. Thank you!

-Savannah 5/9/2018 7h31m58 am

Other propane tanks advertise "overflow protection." Is that something that comes with this tank or is it even needed?

-Kass 18/8/2018 2h48m26 pm

Hello, Kass! This tank does have overfill protection (OPD). An OPD device is required for all vertical DOT cylinders over 4 pounds and under 40 pounds. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 8/20/2018 1h03:05 PM

are these pre filled

-darci formosa belrean 19/7/2018 9h35m42 am

Hey, Darci! No, the tanks are empty when purchased. You will need to take the tank to your local U-Haul Propane Center to have the tank filled once it arrives. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 19/7/2018 9h45m32 am

Is this a float gauge or one of those pressure based gauges?

-Eric 1/7/2018 1h46m57 pm

Hey, Eric! Our 20 lb. propane tank has a float gauge. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 7/2/2018 12h06:21 PM

I recently bough from you a 20 lb. propane tank with gauge to be used with a Mosquito Magnet machine. However, a couple of days later I found out from its manufacturer that they do not recommend using a propane tank with gauge. I also found out that your web site do not advertise any 20 lb propane tank without a gauge. My question to you is, Is there any safe way to remove the gauge from the tank I bought from you? Or, Is there a way you could sale a 20 lb. propane tank without a gauge?

-Adalid Pena 26/6/2018 12h08m00 pm

Hello, Adalid! We do not sell a 20 lb. cylinder without a gauge. The gauge can easily be removed by unsnapping the plastic ring that wraps around the cylinder valve. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 6/26/2018 12h58:46 PM

How many hours of grilling does a 20lb propane tank gives?

-Dean 23/6/2018 5h31m07 pm

Hey, Dean! The answer to your question depends on how many BTUs burn per hour on your barbeque. For example, 1 pound of propane equals about 22,000 BTU; if your barbeque burns 40,000 BTUs per hour, a 20 pound cylinder will last about 10 hours with the burners turned all the way up. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 26/6/2018 7h16m51 am

will you need to purge and will that be free?

-mark wayne 19/6/2018 10h45m51 am

Hi, Mark! The tanks come purged so you will not need to worry about getting them purged before filling them with propane. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 19/6/2018 11h22m15 am

I have 3 small propane tanks. We r moving and I need to get rid of them be fore moving... where can I take them?

-Linda goldberg 2/6/2018 6h31m00 am

Hi, Linda! You can drop off the propane tanks at your local U-Haul Propane Center. Please do not put them in a moving truck or van. Thank you!

-Savannah 6/5/2018 3h27:15 PM

How much does it cost to fill this tank?

-Rick 7/5/2018 7h37m46 am

Hi, Rick! The cost of propane varies based on your location and also varies day-to-day. Please visit our Propane Homepage and enter your zip code to see what the propane pricing is at a U-Haul location near you. Thank you!

-Savannah 14/5/2018 8h46m57 am

Is the 20lb propane tank manufactured by Worthington Industries and if so does it have the Overfill Prevention Device?

-S. King 14/3/2018 10h50m05 am

Hello! Yes, this is a Worthington tank with an overfill prevention device. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 27/3/2018 11h27m47 am

how much to put propane in this 20lb'er

-cher 4/3/2018 2h16m22 pm

Hi, Cher! Propane pricing varies based on location. To see current pricing at a U-Haul propane center near you, please visit the Propane Refill Station Finder and enter your zip code. Thank you!

-Savannah 13/3/2018 9h34m59 am

is it new and full of propane

-pittman 4/3/2018 2h08m33 pm

Hello! The tank is purchased new but you will need to take the tank to a U-Haul Propane Center to fill it with propane. Thank you!

-Savannah 13/3/2018 9h25m05 am

Does U-Haul recertify propane tanks?

-Jeffrey Conover 21/2/2018 7h15m44 pm

Hi, Jeffrey! U-Haul does not currently recertify propane tanks. Thank you!

-Savannah 13/3/2018 9h12m48 am

Does the tanks come with propane?

-Martha 16/2/2018 1h25m03 pm

Hello, Martha! No, the tanks are purchased empty. To fill it with propane, you will need to visit your local U-Haul Propane Center. Thank you!

-Savannah 2/16/2018 1h46:24 PM

Can you buy a tank without gas?

-kassan 7/2/2018 2h21m40 pm

Hello, Kassan! All U-Haul propane tanks are purchased empty. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 8/2/2018 11h25m13 am

How much are they?

-Mark Morrison 7/2/2018 12h02m40 pm

Hi, Mark! The 20 lb. propane tank with gas gauge is $29.95 USD ($42.95 CAD). Thank you for your question!

-Savannah 8/2/2018 11h09m45 am

How much is a propane tank for a gas grill

-Jeffrey Reed 2/2/2018 7h11m50 pm

Hello, Jeffrey! This tank, OPDGAG, which is recommended for gas grill applications, is $29.95 USD (42.95 CAD). Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 6/2/2018 9h44m55 am

How much propane does a 20 lb propane tank hold?

-louis_carney 22/1/2018 7h23m17 pm

Hey, Louis! a 20 pound propane tank holds between 4.5 to 4.8 gallons of propane. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 23/1/2018 11h25m13 am

I'm in Waterloo Iowa how much does it cost to fill 20 pound propane tank at Uhaul

-Michael Delucciano 18/1/2018 9h50m44 pm

Hey, Michael! The cost would depend on the pricing of propane at the U-Haul center you choose to fill your tank at. The U-Haul Moving & Storage of Waterfalls has propane currently priced at $3.19 a gallon (which does not include tax). A 20 pound propane tank holds between 4.5 and 4.8 gallons of propane, so you could estimate the cost to fill being somewhere between $15-$20. Keep in mind that pricing per gallon of propane can vary day to day and by location. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 19/1/2018 10h44m58 am

How many gallons does a 20 lb tank hold

-Craig Lazzini 5/1/2018 9h14m24 am

Hello, Craig! A 20 pound propane tank holds about 4.5 to 4.8 gallons of propane. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 9/1/2018 9h16m18 am

Do you fill butane for class a motorhome

-Charles Greer 2/1/2018 3h37m45 pm

Hello, Charles! No, U-Haul only provides propane, not butane. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 1/3/2018 3h10:21 PM

Are these tanks approved for travel trailer use?

-Jeff 9/12/2017 9h32m54 am

Hi, Jeff! Yes, this propane tank is approved for travel trailer use. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 15/12/2017 8h48m44 am

How much is it to refill

-Amanda 23/11/2017 8h25m24 am

Hi, Amanda! The answer to your question depends on your location. If you enter your zip code in our Propane Location Finder, you will be shown a list of locations near you and also their current price per gallon on propane. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 27/11/2017 10h52m30 am

What does the ten year limited warranty cover? I just purchased one, and when I asked inside of the store I was told they did not know it was one, and that they could not tell me.

-Shannon Washington 21/11/2017 4h35m51 pm

Hey, Shannon! The 1-year limited warranty covers manufacturing defects. Thank you!

-Savannah 15/12/2017 8h46m39 am

What is the largest size tank you sell and how many gallons does it hold?

-KR Hetzler 16/10/2017 10h02m25 am

Hello! The largest propane tank we sell is our 100 lb. Steel Propane Tank, capable of holding just under 25 gallons of propane. Thank you for asking!

-Savannah 10/16/2017 1h46:28 PM

How much does it cost to fill a 20lb tank propane

-eric flentoil 9/10/2017 7h08m36 pm

Hey, Eric! This is entirely dependent on propane pricing at the location you are getting your tank filled at. Please contact or visit your local U-Haul Propane Center for more information on the pricing of filling your 20 lb. tank. Thank you!

-Savannah 11/10/2017 10h30m22 am

This tank is full of gas?

-Wally Miranda 5/9/2017 11h26m15 am

Hey, Wally! No, this tank is not full of gas when it arrives to you (it arrives empty). To fill it with propane gas, please visit your local U-Haul Center that sells propane. Thank you!

-Savannah 6/9/2017 10h48m13 am

If I fill a new tank from elsewhere. Can you dispose of my out of date tank

-Jim 17/8/2017 2h16m14 pm

Hi, Jim! Yes, we can dispose of your tank. However, we charge $10 to dispose of the hazardous waste. Thank you!

-Savannah 8/21/2017 6h09:17 PM

I have a 30 lb propane tank can I buy just the valve with the gauge built into it

-Mike 15/4/2017 7h29m49 am

U-Haul does not sell the valve and gauge. If you were to buy a new valve and gauge for your 30 lb. cylinder, you would need to take it to a location that re-qualifies propane cylinders to change out the valve. The cylinder would have to be qualified and recorded with the DOT after the valve has been changed. We do sell a 30 lb. cylinder with a gauge. The retail price is $114.95.

-TIMOTHY 4/18/2017 3h51:42 PM

Where is the manufactured date on the tanks?

-Julie 7/3/2017 11h37m04 am

Hi Julie. The manufactured date can be found on the outside of the collar, which is the piece of metal that surrounds the valve.

-TIMOTHY 3/7/2017 3h08:54 PM

My BBQ propane tank is stamped with the date of 01/05. Can it still be refilled?

-Elayne Kiggans 16/1/2017 8h51m21 pm

Hi Elayne. OPDGAG 01/05 needs to be re-qualified to be filled. Your cylinder is good for 10 years from the manufactured date on the tank.

–TIMOTHY 1/27/2017 7:17:20 AM

Does this tank Need to be Purged before filling?

-Ron 16/12/2016 11h48m57 am

No. This tank is vacuum purged from the manufacturer.

–TIMOTHY 12/19/2016 11:31:42 AM

How much to fill a propane tank for a barbeque grill

-donald 27/10/2016 5h49m56 am

Hi Donald. The cost to fill your tank depends on the price of propane in your area. The best way to find the cost would be to find a location near you through our propane page.

–TIMOTHY 11/11/2016 9:04:26 AM

What is the size of the cupling that attaches 2tank

-Bonnie 6/8/2016 8h57m08 am

The attachment that hooks up to an OPDGAG can be a POL fitting or a QCC fitting.

-SAVANNAH 9/8/2016 10h16m46 am

Does the tank have a standard quick connect/disconnect?

-Dennis 30/6/2016 5h47m59 pm

The tank has an opd valve with a QCC fitting for your BBQ. It also have a POL fitting with a reverse thread if needed.

-SAVANNAH 1/7/2016 9h40m55 am

how do I install and use the gauge? it is this plastic thing with a ring and a closable ring. Where does it go?

-se 22/6/2016 6h47m56 am

Hello! The gauge is fixed to the tank. You will not need to do anything to the gauge or the tank to get the gauge to work. I hope that is helpful!

-SAVANNAH 22/6/2016 9h49m28 am

Do you sell 30 lb. tanks? Can I dispose an old 30 lb. tank at U-Haul?

-Tom 19/6/2016 8h35m29 am

Hi, Tom! A U-Haul store can take your old tank for a fee of $10.00 to dispose of hazardous waste. Yes, we do sell 30 lb. cylinders. Please see our selection of Propane Tanks to see all of our 30 lb. offerings. Thank you!

-SAVANNAH 6/20/2016 2h19:19 PM

Viene ya lleno

-Nurella 15/4/2016 1h26m47 pm

Gracias por su pregunta. Desafortunadamente por reglamentos y por razones de seguridad durante el transporte todos los tanques que vendemos vienen vacios.

–Joseph 4/15/2016 2:15:24 PM

Is this tank in stock at local uhaul stores for purchase?

-Kuango 31/3/2016 8h57m38 pm

It absolutely is!

Find which U-Haul locations stock this tank in your area by clicking the "Pick up in store" button in the green box to the right of the product pictures.

Enter in your zip code and you will be shown the locations closest to you that currently have this tank. You can even order it online so it's waiting for you when you go in.

Thanks for asking!

–Joseph 4/1/2016 7:46:06 AM

Is the gauge built into the tank / valve or is it a cheap add-on like some other tanks "with gauges"?

-Jeff 1/10/2015 8h31m41 am

Jeff, the gauge is an add on but is most definitely not cheap for flimsy in any way.

–Joseph 10/1/2015 4:01:58 PM

How many gallons?

-Laura Pearson 20/4/2015 4h07m54 pm

Laura, a standard 20lb. propane tank holds anywhere between 4.5 and 4.8 gallons of propane.

Thank you!

–Joseph 4/20/2015 4:57:20 PM

Do you also sell covers for this tank?

-Duane Pollak 30/1/2015 9h44m54 am

No. Sorry. We do not.

–Ronald 2/2/2015 11:25:42 AM

Can it be tipped over to use to fill a smaller tank? I have heard newer ones have an automatic shut off when you tip them.

-Debra Snow 8/1/2015 2h19m20 pm

Our propane program manager writes: "Yes the tanks U-Haul gets from our vendors are equipped with the new overfill protection device and would shut off when it is tipped over."

–Ronald 1/9/2015 9:24:29 AM

Do you sell smaller tanks than the 20lb. Tanks.

-Tom 27/12/2014 9h32m39 pm


–Ronald 12/29/2014 8:27:11 AM

I hang the tank on the right side of my Weber Silver B Genesis. The gauge is on the wrong side for me to read. Can it be reversed?

-Mike 25/8/2014 12h53m06 pm

"There are two clips holding the acc-gauge on to the valve, one that holds the gauge on vertically and another along the horizontal axis. At this time the way the accu-gauge is designed it cannot be flipped to fit on the other side."

–Ronald 8/25/2014 2:28:45 PM

is the plastic base the tank is sitting in included?? and if not, do you sell them?

-bill 9/8/2014 1h59m32 pm

It is not included but can be found here: http://www.uhaul.com/MovingSupplies/Safety-emergency/Tankfoot?id=3284

–Ronald 8/11/2014 11:04:42 AM

I have one of these tanks but the gauge was accidently damaged by the man filling it so it no longer works. Where or how can I get a replacement gauge?

-Jerry 27/6/2014 8h25m42 am

"Please provide us your mailing address and we can have a replacement gauge sent to you." Please don't add you address here. Email issue to store@uhaul.com. Reference the issue you have noted. Thanks.

–Ronald 6/27/2014 9:17:45 AM

How much is it to gave a grill tank filles

-btyler 20/6/2014 4h02m24 pm

Please contact a local Uhaul propane center. http://www.uhaul.com/Locations/

–Ronald 6/23/2014 8:59:57 AM

How to claim the guarantee on the tank. The gage don't read more than half way. I bought this tank 9 month ago. I allway choose u Haul to refill the tank.

-Anibal Prestamo 14/6/2014 9h31m36 am

Hello. I turned this question over to our Propane Program Manager. He will be contacting you via email regarding your question. Thanks.

–Ronald 6/16/2014 2:16:31 PM

IS this empty or pre-filled...when i buy it?

-Neel 7/6/2014 7h04m12 am

It is not filled with propane.

–Ronald 6/9/2014 12:08:01 PM

How much is a 60 gallon propane tank

-francisco chavez 5/12/2013 11h28m28 am

Sorry. We do not offer for sale a 60 gallon propane tank on uhaul.com.

–Ronald 12/5/2013 12:31:41 PM

how many gallons to fill a standard propane tank

-thom tayl;or 10/11/2013 1h19m20 pm

If your tank is completely empty, we should be able to add about 4.6 gallons under normal weather conditions. Again, that is if the tank is completely empty.

–Ronald 11/11/2013 10:19:57 AM

Articles recommandés

Description du produit

Numéro de produit :

Ce réservoir de propane de 20 lb en acier est pré-purgé pour permettre un remplissage rapide et intègre un dispositif anti-débordement pour des remplissages sûrs. Tous les réservoirs de propane portatifs de U-Haul sont dotés de poignées faciles à saisir pour un transport plus pratique et laqués pour la prévention de la rouille. Ce cylindre de propane est idéal pour tous les appareils ménagers fonctionnant au propane, les grils au gaz, les chaufferettes d’extérieur ou les réchauds de camping

  • Dimensions : 17,8 po de hauteur, 12,3 po de diamètre
  • Vous cherchez une taille différente? Consultez notre tableau des tailles de réservoirs de propane pour trouver le modèle qui répond le mieux à vos besoins.
  • Ce réservoir est compatible avec les accessoires POL et QCC.
  • Ce réservoir est vide et prêt à être rempli à n'importe quel établissement de propane U-Haul.
  • Réservoir en acier 20 lbs (peut contenir jusqu’à 20 livres de propane, ou 4,7 gallons)
  • Le poids du propane est estimé à 4,2 livres par gallon.
  • Le réservoir pèse environ 17,8 livres lorsqu’il est vide.
  • Le poids du réservoir est estimé à 37,8 livres lorsqu'il est rempli de propane.
  • Le fabricant garantit que les produits Flame King (à l’exception de la peinture et du fini) ne présentent aucun défaut de matériaux et de fabrication pendant 1 an à compter de la date d’achat. Pendant cette période, le fabricant remplacera ou réparera les pièces défectueuses déclarées inutilisables de son utilisation prévue en offrant les pièces franco à bord de Pico Rivera, CA 90660. La peinture et le fini du produit ne sont pas garantis. Le fini extérieur du produit s’usera avec le temps.
  • Nettoyez l’unité après chaque utilisation afin de maintenir le fini et prolonger la durée de vie du produit. Essuyez toute graisse et cendre. Gardez les produits en métal exempts d’humidité, de sels, d’acides et de fortes fluctuations de température. La garantie ne couvre pas l’usure normale des pièces ou les dommages causés par une mauvaise utilisation, un abus, une surchauffe et une modification. Les réparations ou les modifications effectuées par toute autre personne que Flame King ne sont pas couvertes par la garantie. Le fabricant ne sera pas tenu responsable des pertes dues à un fonctionnement négligé. De plus, cette garantie ne couvre pas les dommages causés par des catastrophes naturelles comme les tremblements de terre, les ouragans, les tornades, les inondations, la foudre, les incendies, etc.
  • À l’expiration de cette garantie, toute cette responsabilité sera terminée. Aucune autre garantie n’est explicite ou implicite. Conservez tous les reçus de vente d’origine. Une preuve d’achat est nécessaire pour toutes les réclamations sous garantie. Une autorisation écrite préalable et un numéro d’autorisation de retour doivent être obtenus et acceptés pour la réparation ou le remplacement uniquement. Les retours doivent être expédiés prépayés. Les envois port dû ou les envois sans numéro d’autorisation de retour ne seront pas acceptés. *La garantie s'applique uniquement aux États américains contigus.
  • Vous voulez gagner du temps? U-Haul propose maintenant la livraison de réservoirs de 20 lb dans les régions métropolitaines de Phoenix et de Los Angeles.

Questions et réponses (94)

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Where is the manufacture date and what does it look like on 20 lb propane tank

-Jerry 16/1/2025 11h08m51 am

Hi Jerry! These tanks are brand new and certified for 10 years. I hope that helps!

-Kristy 27/1/2025 7h33m17 am

What does 5 gallon empty mean?

-Get Wood 8/1/2025 7h55m13 am

Hi! When the tank is purchased, it is empty. It holds up to an estimated 20 pounds of propane, or 4.7 gallons. I hope that helps.

-Kristy 9/1/2025 7h57m49 am

Do you fill partially full tanks, top them off?

-Get Wood 8/1/2025 7h48m50 am

Hi! Please reach out to your nearby U-Haul Center and they can assist with filling your tank. Have a great day!

-Kristy 9/1/2025 7h56m40 am

Do you sell empty propane tank's

-Marie 8/9/2024 6h56m28 pm

Hi Marie! Yes, we do. Check out this link. https://www.uhaul.com/MovingSupplies/Propane-Tanks-Heaters/

-Kristy 11/9/2024 1h22m04 pm

Can this tank be used for a 28 inch blackstone grill? It says it need to be a 20 pound LPG tank. I'm new to having a black stone so I'm not sure.

-Shay 21/7/2024 3h05m36 pm

Hi Shay! This would work out perfect. Have a great day!

-Kristy 28/7/2024 8h15m57 pm

Can I exchange expired uhaul tank with new one for free or do I get any credit for expired/old tank ? I bought the tank from a uhaul store 4 years back and someone in the uhaul store said the tank is expired. I just read that the expiration is 12 years. Please assist, what so I need to do.

-Anuj Subedi 10/5/2024 10h27m00 am

Hi Anuj. A new tank will need to be purchased; we do not have an exchange program. I hope that helps.

-Kristy 17/5/2024 7h09m08 am

when buying a new 20lb tank, is the first fill free or must I pay additionally to fill the tank?

-D Byrd 22/4/2024 9h01m48 am

This is just the tank and would need to be filled. We do not offer first fill free.

-Christopher 22/4/2024 10h34m50 am

My tank is expired. What is the expiration date on your new tanks? I thought mine said 12 years?

-Mike Monocello 31/1/2024 8h09m25 am

Hi Mike. 12 years in the US, 10 years in Canada.

-Kristy 31/1/2024 11h43m13 am

What is the warranty policy on a propane tank

-Jessica tavera 5/1/2024 7h20m49 am

Hi Jessica! We do not have a warranty policy. Any warranty issue would need to be directed to the manufacturer of the tank. I hope that helps.

-Kristy 10/1/2024 12h27m47 pm

Can I return my empties for credit

-Jules 6/12/2023 12h06m33 pm

Hi Jules! Once your purchase the tank, it now belongs to you. Have a great day!

-Kristy 13/12/2023 9h55m28 am

Does it have to be filled at a u-haul ??

-Stephen McGinniss 4/12/2023 11h07m16 am

While we are happy to assist with your propane needs! -This is only the tank, and can be filled elsewhere

-Christopher 5/12/2023 8h57m59 am

What is the price to refill a Uhaul propane tank?

-Dan Harris 30/3/2023 9h27m47 pm

Hello Dan. Please use this link, enter your zip and it will advise the cost and locations to fill. https://www.uhaul.com/Propane/ I hope that helps!

-Kristy 31/3/2023 5h59m46 am

How do I know my tank is being filled to its capacity?

-Ronald Lamp 4/2/2023 4h05m06 pm

Hi Ronald! Check out this link, https://www.uhaul.com/Tips/Propane/The-Different-Propane-Tank-Sizes-13600/. I hope that helps.

-Kristy 4/2/2023 9h12m52 pm

I bought a new tank from uhaul and the valve is stuck close. I can't even use it. What can I do to get it unstuck?

-Demetrick 25/11/2022 12h25m53 pm

Hello Demetrick. I'm sorry to hear this but if you purchase online please email us for assistance or call 1-866-277-6855. If purchased instore please visit that location for assistance. Thank you

-Shenavia 5/12/2022 10h39m23 am

How many pounds has a galones of gas butane

-Pedro C. Rodriguez 2/7/2021 12h35m47 pm

Hello Pedro, One gallon of Butane Gas is equal to about 5lbs. The Propane that should be going into this tank only would weigh about 4.24lbs per gallon of propane.

-Anthony 8/7/2021 1h03m17 pm

a defect A u-haul brand tank can get a replacement

-MD 10/5/2021 9h02m10 am

You can return to any U-Haul Center for a replacement tank along with your receipt. Thank you

-Frank 10/5/2021 12h51m57 pm

You can return to any U-Haul Center for a replacement tank along with your receipt. Thank you

-Frank 10/5/2021 12h52m19 pm

A propane tank I bought from U-Haul online in November seems to be leaking no matter how tight I close it. I can smell the propane. Can I bring it to the local U-Haul facility and have it replaced?

-Bob 9/3/2021 9h37m38 am

Hello Bob, Yes, for sure. It might be something they can easily fix. Please bring your receipt with you to your Closest U-Haul Center. Thank you

-Frank 10/3/2021 6h14m52 am

What grade is the propane? Is it HD-5? Or HD-10? Or is it a different standard? I am using this for an application that needs a certain chemical composition.

-Aidan 12/1/2021 2h36m31 pm

Hello, these tanks do not come with propane. You can fill at any U-Haul Center or other location. Thanks for your question.

-Frank 13/1/2021 6h12m46 am

Can this tank be turned upside down for filling 1lb tanks with an adapter or will it shut off? Thank you for your time.

-Jake Marais 16/12/2020 6h11m24 pm

Hello Jake, These tanks would shut off it tipped over. Thanks for your question.

-Frank 17/12/2020 6h26m52 am

Are these tanks prepurged and ready to use? Does it have overfill protection?

-Jake Marais 16/12/2020 5h49m10 pm

Hello Jake, Yes to both of your questions. Happy Holidays!

-Frank 17/12/2020 6h12m36 am

This week, during the day and while grill and tank not in use, the alarm on the Accu-Guage began sounding. I have looked everywhere but can find no mention of an alarm. What does the alarm designate?

-Tom Martin 19/7/2020 3h37m13 pm

Hello, Tom! There is no alarm or anything that sounds in the gauge or the tank itself. The sound must be coming from something other than the cylinder such as your grill. Thank you!

-Savannah 8/3/2020 12h58:02 PM

How much is a refill for the 20 gallon

-Linda Steele 28/6/2020 8h40m09 am

Hi, Linda! Pricing varies based on local propane prices. Please check out our Propane Location Finder to find a local U-Haul propane center and to see pricing. Thank you!

-Savannah 6/29/2020 2h43:44 PM

Does this tank come with an overfill protection device?

-Tim 19/6/2020 10h58m57 pm

Hi, Tim! Yes, our 20 pound cylinders have an overfill protection device. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 22/6/2020 9h05m52 am

Are our tanks ASME certified.

-sue scheer 8/6/2020 7h44m04 am

Hello, Sue! No, our tanks are not ASME certified. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 6/9/2020 3h45:47 PM

Can you deliver it filled?

-Deënna 7/5/2020 12h46m57 pm

Hello, Deënna! Unfortunately, at this time, we do not offer propane cylinder delivery. You will need to take the cylinder to your local U-Haul Propane Center to have it filled. Thank you!

-Savannah 5/7/2020 3h26:58 PM

Can you refill these tanks anywhere or do you have to go to a U Haul dealer

-Dave 6/4/2020 6h19m03 am

Hi, Dave! Our propane cylinders can be refilled at your local U-Haul Propane Center or any other propane retailer of your choice. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 6/4/2020 7h28m10 am

Are your tanks DOT Certified?

-Doug 28/3/2020 10h32m43 pm

Hello, Doug! Yes, our 20 lb. propane cylinder is DOT certified. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 30/3/2020 10h40m17 am

How many gallons of propane to fill the 20 lb tank? Do you fill any tank there or only ones purchased from U-Haul?

-Dan 25/3/2020 3h12m49 pm

Hello, Dan! Propane gallon capacity will vary depending on environmental conditions (temperature, pressure, etc.), but we estimate that a 20 lb. cylinder will hold somewhere around 4.5 to 4.8 gallons. You can have any tank filled at your local U-Haul Propane Center. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 3/25/2020 3h17:41 PM

Would you be able to hook up the medium size Mr Buddy heater to this? Mr Buddy says you can use a 20lb tank though don't know if propane tanks are different.

-Andrew White 26/10/2019 9h37m28 pm

Hey, Andrew! Yes, a Mr. Buddy heater can be used with our 20 lb. propane cylinder, so long as you also purchase the necessary Hose Adapter. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 28/10/2019 10h06m48 am

Does this tank have a type I, right hand Acme thread? I just purchased a portable generator and the manual states to use a standard 20 or 30 lb LP tank with the indicated thread. I would like to make sure this tank is compatible with my generator before I purchase. Merci.

-Anne 9/10/2019 10h23m58 am

Hey, Anne! This cylinder has a right-handed QCC thread. In addition, it has a POL left-handed inner valve thread. This cylinder should hook up to your generator. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 10/10/2019 7h14m23 am

Is the propane tank full or empty when you buy it?

-Pat 21/9/2019 5h21m31 pm

Hi, Pat! All propane tanks we offer are sold empty. You will need to take the tank to your local U-Haul Propane Center to have the tank filled with propane. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 23/9/2019 7h19m10 am

Hi, it has to be U-Haul propane tank? or I can bring another brand tank to refill it. Merci

-Sam 12/9/2019 8h34m16 pm

Hi, Sam! U-Haul Propane Centers will fill any brand of propane cylinder - it does not have to be a U-Haul branded tank. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 13/9/2019 7h10m00 am

Hi, our conncetion on the hose is 1/4" wide. Would it fit on the propane tank? Merci.

-Stevo 1/9/2019 8h50m26 am

Hello, Stevo! No, our tanks are compatible only with POL or QCC fittings. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 3/9/2019 9h34m01 am

I've got 3-20# tanks I'd like to exchange for new ones at my local U-Haul. Two of the old tanks still have some propane in them. Will you take these partially filled tanks?

-Ralph Clevenger 8/8/2019 1h35m01 pm

Hi, Ralph! You can take your old tanks to your local U-Haul Propane Center to recycle/dispose of the used tanks for a fee of $9.95 USD each. At this time, we do not give credit for turning in used tanks, so a new tank will be sold at full price. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 8/8/2019 2h58:19 PM

Is this a brand new tank. Certified for 12 years?

-Mike 5/7/2019 4h39m58 pm

Hi, Mike! Yes, all of our tanks are brand new and unused. They are certified for 10 years. Thank you!

-Savannah 7/8/2019 12h17:49 PM

If I buy a new tank, can I leave my old tank (which is expired) there for recycling?

-Mike 5/7/2019 8h50m27 am

Hi, Mike! Yes, you can take an empty, expired propane tank to your local U-Haul Propane Center to have it recycled. Thank you!

-Savannah 7/5/2019 3h24:20 PM

Who manufactures these tanks?

-Jon 3/7/2019 3h57m47 pm

Hi, Jon! This tank is manufactured by Worthington Industries. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 7/8/2019 12h20:21 PM

Is the tank filled with propane gas?

-Frank 11/6/2019 8h28m51 pm

Hi, Frank! No, we sell our propane tanks empty. Please take your tank to your local U-Haul Propane Center to have it filled. Thank you!

-Savannah 13/6/2019 10h08m25 am

Do the tanks need to be completely filled, or do you do halfway?

-E 17/5/2019 1h34m11 pm

Hello! Your local U-Haul Propane Center can fill your tank as little or as much as you'd like. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 5/17/2019 1h59:48 PM

How much to refill a 20 lb tank

-Andre 12/4/2019 7h02m15 pm

Hello, Andre! Price per gallon varies based on location. Please use our U-Haul Propane Location Finder to see what the pricing is at a location near you. Thank you!

-Savannah 15/4/2019 7h05m25 am

Is this a steel tank? Also is the gauge a pressure gauge or one with an actual float? Thanks

-William 6/2/2019 8h09m00 pm

Hi, William! Yes, our 20 lb. propane tank is made of steel. The included gauge is a float gauge. Thank you for your questions!

-Savannah 7/2/2019 7h15m12 am

Will the location that sells me the thank purge it before filling? Any cost?

-Michael 21/11/2018 3h26m12 pm

Hey, Michael! Yes, you can have your propane tank purged and filled at any U-Haul Propane Center. You can see the cost of propane per gallon by entering your zip code on our Propane homepage. Purging is included in the cost to fill. Thank you!

-Savannah 11/21/2018 3h35:58 PM

I own two 20 lb Blue Rhino propane tanks that I purchased from a local Giant 6 mos ago. Can I get my tanks refilled at Uhaul, even though my tanks were purchased elsewhere?

-Arv 5/9/2018 5h10m32 am

Hey, Arv! As long as the tank is not expired/damaged, you can absolutely get it filled at your local U-Haul Propane Center. Thank you!

-Savannah 5/9/2018 7h31m58 am

Other propane tanks advertise "overflow protection." Is that something that comes with this tank or is it even needed?

-Kass 18/8/2018 2h48m26 pm

Hello, Kass! This tank does have overfill protection (OPD). An OPD device is required for all vertical DOT cylinders over 4 pounds and under 40 pounds. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 8/20/2018 1h03:05 PM

are these pre filled

-darci formosa belrean 19/7/2018 9h35m42 am

Hey, Darci! No, the tanks are empty when purchased. You will need to take the tank to your local U-Haul Propane Center to have the tank filled once it arrives. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 19/7/2018 9h45m32 am

Is this a float gauge or one of those pressure based gauges?

-Eric 1/7/2018 1h46m57 pm

Hey, Eric! Our 20 lb. propane tank has a float gauge. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 7/2/2018 12h06:21 PM

I recently bough from you a 20 lb. propane tank with gauge to be used with a Mosquito Magnet machine. However, a couple of days later I found out from its manufacturer that they do not recommend using a propane tank with gauge. I also found out that your web site do not advertise any 20 lb propane tank without a gauge. My question to you is, Is there any safe way to remove the gauge from the tank I bought from you? Or, Is there a way you could sale a 20 lb. propane tank without a gauge?

-Adalid Pena 26/6/2018 12h08m00 pm

Hello, Adalid! We do not sell a 20 lb. cylinder without a gauge. The gauge can easily be removed by unsnapping the plastic ring that wraps around the cylinder valve. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 6/26/2018 12h58:46 PM

How many hours of grilling does a 20lb propane tank gives?

-Dean 23/6/2018 5h31m07 pm

Hey, Dean! The answer to your question depends on how many BTUs burn per hour on your barbeque. For example, 1 pound of propane equals about 22,000 BTU; if your barbeque burns 40,000 BTUs per hour, a 20 pound cylinder will last about 10 hours with the burners turned all the way up. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 26/6/2018 7h16m51 am

will you need to purge and will that be free?

-mark wayne 19/6/2018 10h45m51 am

Hi, Mark! The tanks come purged so you will not need to worry about getting them purged before filling them with propane. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 19/6/2018 11h22m15 am

I have 3 small propane tanks. We r moving and I need to get rid of them be fore moving... where can I take them?

-Linda goldberg 2/6/2018 6h31m00 am

Hi, Linda! You can drop off the propane tanks at your local U-Haul Propane Center. Please do not put them in a moving truck or van. Thank you!

-Savannah 6/5/2018 3h27:15 PM

How much does it cost to fill this tank?

-Rick 7/5/2018 7h37m46 am

Hi, Rick! The cost of propane varies based on your location and also varies day-to-day. Please visit our Propane Homepage and enter your zip code to see what the propane pricing is at a U-Haul location near you. Thank you!

-Savannah 14/5/2018 8h46m57 am

Is the 20lb propane tank manufactured by Worthington Industries and if so does it have the Overfill Prevention Device?

-S. King 14/3/2018 10h50m05 am

Hello! Yes, this is a Worthington tank with an overfill prevention device. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 27/3/2018 11h27m47 am

how much to put propane in this 20lb'er

-cher 4/3/2018 2h16m22 pm

Hi, Cher! Propane pricing varies based on location. To see current pricing at a U-Haul propane center near you, please visit the Propane Refill Station Finder and enter your zip code. Thank you!

-Savannah 13/3/2018 9h34m59 am

is it new and full of propane

-pittman 4/3/2018 2h08m33 pm

Hello! The tank is purchased new but you will need to take the tank to a U-Haul Propane Center to fill it with propane. Thank you!

-Savannah 13/3/2018 9h25m05 am

Does U-Haul recertify propane tanks?

-Jeffrey Conover 21/2/2018 7h15m44 pm

Hi, Jeffrey! U-Haul does not currently recertify propane tanks. Thank you!

-Savannah 13/3/2018 9h12m48 am

Does the tanks come with propane?

-Martha 16/2/2018 1h25m03 pm

Hello, Martha! No, the tanks are purchased empty. To fill it with propane, you will need to visit your local U-Haul Propane Center. Thank you!

-Savannah 2/16/2018 1h46:24 PM

Can you buy a tank without gas?

-kassan 7/2/2018 2h21m40 pm

Hello, Kassan! All U-Haul propane tanks are purchased empty. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 8/2/2018 11h25m13 am

How much are they?

-Mark Morrison 7/2/2018 12h02m40 pm

Hi, Mark! The 20 lb. propane tank with gas gauge is $29.95 USD ($42.95 CAD). Thank you for your question!

-Savannah 8/2/2018 11h09m45 am

How much is a propane tank for a gas grill

-Jeffrey Reed 2/2/2018 7h11m50 pm

Hello, Jeffrey! This tank, OPDGAG, which is recommended for gas grill applications, is $29.95 USD (42.95 CAD). Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 6/2/2018 9h44m55 am

How much propane does a 20 lb propane tank hold?

-louis_carney 22/1/2018 7h23m17 pm

Hey, Louis! a 20 pound propane tank holds between 4.5 to 4.8 gallons of propane. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 23/1/2018 11h25m13 am

I'm in Waterloo Iowa how much does it cost to fill 20 pound propane tank at Uhaul

-Michael Delucciano 18/1/2018 9h50m44 pm

Hey, Michael! The cost would depend on the pricing of propane at the U-Haul center you choose to fill your tank at. The U-Haul Moving & Storage of Waterfalls has propane currently priced at $3.19 a gallon (which does not include tax). A 20 pound propane tank holds between 4.5 and 4.8 gallons of propane, so you could estimate the cost to fill being somewhere between $15-$20. Keep in mind that pricing per gallon of propane can vary day to day and by location. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 19/1/2018 10h44m58 am

How many gallons does a 20 lb tank hold

-Craig Lazzini 5/1/2018 9h14m24 am

Hello, Craig! A 20 pound propane tank holds about 4.5 to 4.8 gallons of propane. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 9/1/2018 9h16m18 am

Do you fill butane for class a motorhome

-Charles Greer 2/1/2018 3h37m45 pm

Hello, Charles! No, U-Haul only provides propane, not butane. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 1/3/2018 3h10:21 PM

Are these tanks approved for travel trailer use?

-Jeff 9/12/2017 9h32m54 am

Hi, Jeff! Yes, this propane tank is approved for travel trailer use. Thanks for asking!

-Savannah 15/12/2017 8h48m44 am

How much is it to refill

-Amanda 23/11/2017 8h25m24 am

Hi, Amanda! The answer to your question depends on your location. If you enter your zip code in our Propane Location Finder, you will be shown a list of locations near you and also their current price per gallon on propane. I hope that is helpful!

-Savannah 27/11/2017 10h52m30 am

What does the ten year limited warranty cover? I just purchased one, and when I asked inside of the store I was told they did not know it was one, and that they could not tell me.

-Shannon Washington 21/11/2017 4h35m51 pm

Hey, Shannon! The 1-year limited warranty covers manufacturing defects. Thank you!

-Savannah 15/12/2017 8h46m39 am

What is the largest size tank you sell and how many gallons does it hold?

-KR Hetzler 16/10/2017 10h02m25 am

Hello! The largest propane tank we sell is our 100 lb. Steel Propane Tank, capable of holding just under 25 gallons of propane. Thank you for asking!

-Savannah 10/16/2017 1h46:28 PM

How much does it cost to fill a 20lb tank propane

-eric flentoil 9/10/2017 7h08m36 pm

Hey, Eric! This is entirely dependent on propane pricing at the location you are getting your tank filled at. Please contact or visit your local U-Haul Propane Center for more information on the pricing of filling your 20 lb. tank. Thank you!

-Savannah 11/10/2017 10h30m22 am

This tank is full of gas?

-Wally Miranda 5/9/2017 11h26m15 am

Hey, Wally! No, this tank is not full of gas when it arrives to you (it arrives empty). To fill it with propane gas, please visit your local U-Haul Center that sells propane. Thank you!

-Savannah 6/9/2017 10h48m13 am

If I fill a new tank from elsewhere. Can you dispose of my out of date tank

-Jim 17/8/2017 2h16m14 pm

Hi, Jim! Yes, we can dispose of your tank. However, we charge $10 to dispose of the hazardous waste. Thank you!

-Savannah 8/21/2017 6h09:17 PM

I have a 30 lb propane tank can I buy just the valve with the gauge built into it

-Mike 15/4/2017 7h29m49 am

U-Haul does not sell the valve and gauge. If you were to buy a new valve and gauge for your 30 lb. cylinder, you would need to take it to a location that re-qualifies propane cylinders to change out the valve. The cylinder would have to be qualified and recorded with the DOT after the valve has been changed. We do sell a 30 lb. cylinder with a gauge. The retail price is $114.95.

-TIMOTHY 4/18/2017 3h51:42 PM

Where is the manufactured date on the tanks?

-Julie 7/3/2017 11h37m04 am

Hi Julie. The manufactured date can be found on the outside of the collar, which is the piece of metal that surrounds the valve.

-TIMOTHY 3/7/2017 3h08:54 PM

My BBQ propane tank is stamped with the date of 01/05. Can it still be refilled?

-Elayne Kiggans 16/1/2017 8h51m21 pm

Hi Elayne. OPDGAG 01/05 needs to be re-qualified to be filled. Your cylinder is good for 10 years from the manufactured date on the tank.

–TIMOTHY 1/27/2017 7:17:20 AM

Does this tank Need to be Purged before filling?

-Ron 16/12/2016 11h48m57 am

No. This tank is vacuum purged from the manufacturer.

–TIMOTHY 12/19/2016 11:31:42 AM

How much to fill a propane tank for a barbeque grill

-donald 27/10/2016 5h49m56 am

Hi Donald. The cost to fill your tank depends on the price of propane in your area. The best way to find the cost would be to find a location near you through our propane page.

–TIMOTHY 11/11/2016 9:04:26 AM

What is the size of the cupling that attaches 2tank

-Bonnie 6/8/2016 8h57m08 am

The attachment that hooks up to an OPDGAG can be a POL fitting or a QCC fitting.

-SAVANNAH 9/8/2016 10h16m46 am

Does the tank have a standard quick connect/disconnect?

-Dennis 30/6/2016 5h47m59 pm

The tank has an opd valve with a QCC fitting for your BBQ. It also have a POL fitting with a reverse thread if needed.

-SAVANNAH 1/7/2016 9h40m55 am

how do I install and use the gauge? it is this plastic thing with a ring and a closable ring. Where does it go?

-se 22/6/2016 6h47m56 am

Hello! The gauge is fixed to the tank. You will not need to do anything to the gauge or the tank to get the gauge to work. I hope that is helpful!

-SAVANNAH 22/6/2016 9h49m28 am

Do you sell 30 lb. tanks? Can I dispose an old 30 lb. tank at U-Haul?

-Tom 19/6/2016 8h35m29 am

Hi, Tom! A U-Haul store can take your old tank for a fee of $10.00 to dispose of hazardous waste. Yes, we do sell 30 lb. cylinders. Please see our selection of Propane Tanks to see all of our 30 lb. offerings. Thank you!

-SAVANNAH 6/20/2016 2h19:19 PM

Viene ya lleno

-Nurella 15/4/2016 1h26m47 pm

Gracias por su pregunta. Desafortunadamente por reglamentos y por razones de seguridad durante el transporte todos los tanques que vendemos vienen vacios.

–Joseph 4/15/2016 2:15:24 PM

Is this tank in stock at local uhaul stores for purchase?

-Kuango 31/3/2016 8h57m38 pm

It absolutely is!

Find which U-Haul locations stock this tank in your area by clicking the "Pick up in store" button in the green box to the right of the product pictures.

Enter in your zip code and you will be shown the locations closest to you that currently have this tank. You can even order it online so it's waiting for you when you go in.

Thanks for asking!

–Joseph 4/1/2016 7:46:06 AM

Is the gauge built into the tank / valve or is it a cheap add-on like some other tanks "with gauges"?

-Jeff 1/10/2015 8h31m41 am

Jeff, the gauge is an add on but is most definitely not cheap for flimsy in any way.

–Joseph 10/1/2015 4:01:58 PM

How many gallons?

-Laura Pearson 20/4/2015 4h07m54 pm

Laura, a standard 20lb. propane tank holds anywhere between 4.5 and 4.8 gallons of propane.

Thank you!

–Joseph 4/20/2015 4:57:20 PM

Do you also sell covers for this tank?

-Duane Pollak 30/1/2015 9h44m54 am

No. Sorry. We do not.

–Ronald 2/2/2015 11:25:42 AM

Can it be tipped over to use to fill a smaller tank? I have heard newer ones have an automatic shut off when you tip them.

-Debra Snow 8/1/2015 2h19m20 pm

Our propane program manager writes: "Yes the tanks U-Haul gets from our vendors are equipped with the new overfill protection device and would shut off when it is tipped over."

–Ronald 1/9/2015 9:24:29 AM

Do you sell smaller tanks than the 20lb. Tanks.

-Tom 27/12/2014 9h32m39 pm


–Ronald 12/29/2014 8:27:11 AM

I hang the tank on the right side of my Weber Silver B Genesis. The gauge is on the wrong side for me to read. Can it be reversed?

-Mike 25/8/2014 12h53m06 pm

"There are two clips holding the acc-gauge on to the valve, one that holds the gauge on vertically and another along the horizontal axis. At this time the way the accu-gauge is designed it cannot be flipped to fit on the other side."

–Ronald 8/25/2014 2:28:45 PM

is the plastic base the tank is sitting in included?? and if not, do you sell them?

-bill 9/8/2014 1h59m32 pm

It is not included but can be found here: http://www.uhaul.com/MovingSupplies/Safety-emergency/Tankfoot?id=3284

–Ronald 8/11/2014 11:04:42 AM

I have one of these tanks but the gauge was accidently damaged by the man filling it so it no longer works. Where or how can I get a replacement gauge?

-Jerry 27/6/2014 8h25m42 am

"Please provide us your mailing address and we can have a replacement gauge sent to you." Please don't add you address here. Email issue to store@uhaul.com. Reference the issue you have noted. Thanks.

–Ronald 6/27/2014 9:17:45 AM

How much is it to gave a grill tank filles

-btyler 20/6/2014 4h02m24 pm

Please contact a local Uhaul propane center. http://www.uhaul.com/Locations/

–Ronald 6/23/2014 8:59:57 AM

How to claim the guarantee on the tank. The gage don't read more than half way. I bought this tank 9 month ago. I allway choose u Haul to refill the tank.

-Anibal Prestamo 14/6/2014 9h31m36 am

Hello. I turned this question over to our Propane Program Manager. He will be contacting you via email regarding your question. Thanks.

–Ronald 6/16/2014 2:16:31 PM

IS this empty or pre-filled...when i buy it?

-Neel 7/6/2014 7h04m12 am

It is not filled with propane.

–Ronald 6/9/2014 12:08:01 PM

How much is a 60 gallon propane tank

-francisco chavez 5/12/2013 11h28m28 am

Sorry. We do not offer for sale a 60 gallon propane tank on uhaul.com.

–Ronald 12/5/2013 12:31:41 PM

how many gallons to fill a standard propane tank

-thom tayl;or 10/11/2013 1h19m20 pm

If your tank is completely empty, we should be able to add about 4.6 gallons under normal weather conditions. Again, that is if the tank is completely empty.

–Ronald 11/11/2013 10:19:57 AM

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