Adaptive Reuse at U-Haul Moving & Storage of Currie Park
(Located in Old Harley Davidson plant on upper level of Capitol Drive, I41 and Capitol Drive)
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Services dans cet établissement :
Pour nous contacter
11700 W Capitol DrWauwatosa, WI 53222
(Located in Old Harley Davidson plant on upper level of Capitol Drive, I41 and Capitol Drive)
Services dans cet établissement :
Heures d’ouverture
- Du lundi au jeudi : de 7 h a.m. à 7 h p.m.
- Vendredi : de 7 h a.m. à 8 h p.m.
- Samedi : de 7 h a.m. à 7 h p.m.
- Dimanche : de 9 h a.m. 5 h p.m.
- Inspection gratuite du remorquage
- Propane payable à la pompe
- Retour client 24 heures
- Entreposage de bateau
- Entreposage de VR
- Entreposage de véhicules

Adaptive Reuse in Wauwatosa, WI at U-Haul Moving & Storage of Currie Park

Histoire du bâtiment
Charles Jeremiah Smith began producing metal parts for bicycles, baby carriages and other hardware specialties in 1874 under the name of C. J. Smith and Sons Company. Three of Mr. Smith's sons eventually joined the family business in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The technological revolution transformed the company and one of Charles' sons, Arthur Oliver Smith, began to make great innovative strides, developing a pressed steel automobile frame by 1899. The pressed frames were sold to companies like Ford, Cadillac and Oldsmobile at the time. The company would be reorganized and named A.O. Smith and was officially incorporated in 1904. Lloyd Raymond Smith, Arthur Smith’s son, inherited the business after Arthur deceased. Lloyd would help develop an automated frame production line for mass production among other amazing new production feats. The company would specialize in producing automobile frames, airplane frames, water heaters, small motors and metal silos for farmers.
A.O. Smith played a significant role in wartime manufacturing during World War 2 and partnered with the Department of Defense to begin building a manufacturing plant in Wauwatosa in 1942. The building was completed in 1943 and focused primarily on producing aircraft propeller blades. The company also produced bomb casings, aircraft landing gear and torpedo air flasks. By 1945, the company had built jeep frames, water heaters for barracks, nearly 46 700 propeller blades, 4,5 million bombs, 16 750 sets of landing gear and played a role in the development of the first atomic bomb.
The manufacturing plant slowed down production after the war and the site was eventually sold to Harley Davidson to be used as a boutique d’outillage in 1947. Harley Davidson was responsible for renovating and expanding the site structures over many years.
U-Haul acquired the property in 2015 et relics from the past A.O. Smith era of this building can still be spotted on site. An art deco mosaic featuring propeller blades was found embedded in the floor under 4 different layers of material and took 2 months to excavate. U-Haul has preserved these features to tell the rich history of the building, while also meeting the needs of the community by offering camion sharing and self-storage.
Impact environnemental
Serving U-Haul customers since 2015, this facility was built through adaptive reuse of an abandoned building. La réutilisation adaptative favorise l'aménagement intercalaire dans le but de renforcer les communautés. Parmi les bienfaits obtenus, la réutilisation a permis d'éviter :
- la fabrication et le transport de 364 tonnes de métal
- le coulage de 15 639 tonnes de nouveau béton
- 16 419 tonnes de débris de construction et de démolition
Energy-efficiency and waste-reduction programs at this facility provide the following estimated benefits each year for the Wauwatosa community:
- réaliser des économies de 75 445 kWh par année
- 7,823,377 lbs greenhouse gas emissions prevented
Production de l'acier La fabrication et le transport de 364 tonnes (330 tonnes métriques) d'acier ont été évités à ce jour
Énergie Économies de 75 445 kWh par année
Béton Coulage de 15 639 tonnes (14 191 tonnes) de nouveau béton évité à ce jour.
Émissions 7 823 377 lb (3 548 661 kgs) d'émissions de gaz à effet de serre ont été évitées
Débris pour les sites d'enfouissement 16 419 lb (14 899 kg) de débris de construction ont été évitées
Services supplémentaires à cet emplacement
Camions de déménagement
Nous avons la plus grande sélection de camions neufs!
Remorques et remorquage
Nos remorques fermées et ouvertes sont offertes à partir de 14,95 $!
Nous offrons la plus grande couverture en Amérique du Nord!
Conteneurs U-Box®
Nous expédions à l'autre bout de la ville et à l'autre bout du monde!
Accessoires de déménagement
Nous vendons des centaines de produits qui facilitent les déménagements!
Attaches de remorque
U-Haul est l'installateur numéro 1 d'attaches de remorque en Amérique du Nord.
Service de propane livré directement à votre porte!
Camions à vendre
Nous offrons la plus grande sélection de l'industrie!
Nous avons un programme de récupération adaptative visant à améliorer l'environnement!