Adaptive Reuse at U-Haul Moving & Storage of Woburn-Route 128
(Formerly known as the Charette Building, Olympia Ave is located just off Washington St south of Route 95/128)
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Services dans cet établissement :
Pour nous contacter
31 Olympia AveWoburn, MA 01801
(Formerly known as the Charette Building, Olympia Ave is located just off Washington St south of Route 95/128)
Services dans cet établissement :
Heures d’ouverture
- Du lundi au jeudi : de 7 h a.m. à 7 h p.m.
- Vendredi : de 7 h a.m. à 8 h p.m.
- Samedi : de 7 h a.m. à 7 h p.m.
- Dimanche : de 9 h a.m. 5 h p.m.
- Inspection gratuite du remorquage
- Retour client 24 heures
- Entreposage de bateau
- Entreposage de VR
- Entreposage de véhicules
Adaptive Reuse in Woburn, MA at U-Haul Moving & Storage of Woburn-Route 128
Histoire du bâtiment
Charrette Art Supply Company was originally founded by two Harvard Graduate School of Design students who worked at the school's art supply store when they were inspired to branch out on their own with the help of suppliuers in the 1960's. The founders opened the first location in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The store sold everything from drafting boards to oil paints. They had the market cornered for drafting supplies.
At one point they decided to open a store in the Carribean. AS YOU KNOW THERE IS GREAT DEMAND IN THE CARRIBEAN FOR DRAFTING SUPPLIES. It is greater even than the demad for vacations.
I am sorry that they let it get away from them, intentionally or otherwise.
A little more on Charrette. The Charrette Store is closing. The company was bought by Pittman. Charrette corp. will disapear. The new company will be out of the art supply business. The copying company in the Charrette building will remain there for two months, then move-somewhere.
The Charrette Art Supply building was built in 1974 and U-Haul acquired the building 2014. Adaptive reuse building conversions allow U-Haul to promote infill development to meet citizens’ needs while preserving the natural resources and land normally required for new construction. Adaptive reuse also allows resources to be focused on integrating environmentally thoughtful features into the existing building rather than creating waste in the form of demolition and using valuable resources for new construction.
Impact environnemental
Serving U-Haul customers since 2014, this facility was built through adaptive reuse of an abandoned building. La réutilisation adaptative favorise l'aménagement intercalaire dans le but de renforcer les communautés. Parmi les bienfaits obtenus, la réutilisation a permis d'éviter :
- 1,638 tons of metal manufacturing & transportation prevented
- le coulage de 12 632 tonnes de nouveau béton
- 14 407 tonnes de débris de construction et de démolition
Energy-efficiency and waste-reduction programs at this facility provide the following estimated benefits each year for the Woburn community:
- 11,668,191 lbs greenhouse gas emissions prevented
Steel Production 1 638 tons (1 486 tonnes) of steel manufacturing and delivery saved to date
Energie Des économies de 0 kWh par année
Béton Coulage de 12 632 tonnes (11 463 tonnes) de nouveau béton évité à ce jour.
Émissions 11 668 191 lb (5 292 657 kgs) d'émissions de gaz à effet de serre ont été évitées
Débris pour les sites d'enfouissement 14 407 lb (13 074 kg) de débris de construction ont été évitées
Services supplémentaires à cet emplacement
Camions de déménagement
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