Adaptive Reuse at U-Haul Moving & Storage of Warner Park

3 528 évaluations

2701 Packers Ave   Madison, WI 53704
(On Packers Avenue - just South of Northport Drive)

(608) 535-8419

Consulter la carte de l'établissement

Heures d’ouverture

  • Du lundi au jeudi : de 7 h a.m. à 7 h p.m.
  • Vendredi : de 7 h a.m. à 8 h p.m.
  • Samedi : de 7 h a.m. à 7 h p.m.
  • Dimanche : de 9 h a.m. 5 h p.m.

Services dans cet établissement :

Pour nous contacter

(608) 535-8419

2701 Packers Ave
Madison, WI 53704
(On Packers Avenue - just South of Northport Drive)

Services dans cet établissement :

Heures d’ouverture

  • Du lundi au jeudi : de 7 h a.m. à 7 h p.m.
  • Vendredi : de 7 h a.m. à 8 h p.m.
  • Samedi : de 7 h a.m. à 7 h p.m.
  • Dimanche : de 9 h a.m. 5 h p.m.
  • Inspection gratuite du remorquage
  • Propane payable à la pompe
  • Retour client 24 heures
Établissement se consacrant à la récupération adaptative.

Adaptive Reuse in Madison, WI at U-Haul Moving & Storage of Warner Park

Histoire du bâtiment

The Kroger Company was founded in 1883 by Bernard H. ("Barney") Kroger. Mr. Kroger invested his entire life savings, a total of $372, into the grocery enterprise and vivaciously followed his dreams. The original store was located at 66 Pearl Street in downtown Cincinnati. During this time, markets were smaller and sold mostly produce. It was common for grocery markets to purchase bread from local nearby bakeries, but Mr. Kroger was determined to cut costs and provide his patrons with freshly made bread right from his store. He is credited with being the first to open a bakery right inside the grocery market.The idea was a hit and thanks to this revolutionary thought, it is still commonplace to find a bakery within a larger grocery market. Mr. Kroger was also the first to sell meat and groceries all in one building under one market. 

Mr. Krogers drive to provide fresh made products at the most value to his customers, did not simply stop at bread and meats. Kroger purposefully bought extra produce like cabbage, which he brought home to his mother who in turned used a family recipe to create sauerkraut. Kroger then sold his family's Saurkraut directly in the store. These early self branded products have now transformed into one of the largest food manufacturing businesses in America. Kroger currently operates 40 food processing facilities that make thousands of products ranging from bread, cookies, soda pop, ice cream and peanut butter. Nearly half of all products offered in Kroger stores today are made in their own manufacturing plants. These Kroger branded products continue to provide an exceptional value for customers and also drive an impressive 26 % of sales profits.

Modern Kroger stores have grown exponentially in size and can now accomodate up to 50 000 items ranging from grocery staples, organic vegetables, natural foods, hot meals, bakery products and floral arrangements. Stores still include interal bakeries, meat counters, in-store pharmacies and some locations have even installed fuel centers in the parking lots. In 1999 the Kroger Co. completed a merger with Fred Meyer, Inc. in a $13 billion deal allowing it create even more impressive economies of scale. Kroger is truly a pioneering grocery market in many ways. 

The former Kroger building in Madison was built in 1946 and U-Haul was able to acquire the property in 2016. This location now proudly offers truck and trailer sharing, safe and secure self- storage and retails sustainable moving products.

Impact environnemental

Au service des clients depuis 2016, cet emplacement a été construit par réutilisation adaptative d'un bâtiment abandonné. Adaptive reuse promotes infill development in an effort to strengthen communities, with the following benefits achieved at this site: 

  • la fabrication et le transport de 163 tonnes de métal 
  • le coulage de 7 222 tonnes de nouveau béton 
  • 7 536 tonnes de débris de construction et de démolition 

Energy-efficiency and waste-reduction programs at this facility provide the following estimated benefits each year for the Madison community:

  • 3,573,958 lbs greenhouse gas emissions prevented 
  • Utilisation de l'acier

    Production de l'acier La fabrication et le transport de 163 tonnes (148 tonnes métriques) d'acier ont été évités à ce jour

  • Consommation d'énergie

    Energie Des économies de 0 kWh par année

  • Utilisation du béton

    Béton Coulage de 7 222 tonnes (6 554 tonnes) de nouveau béton évité à ce jour.

  • Émissions de CO2

    Émissions 3 573 958 lb (1 621 137 kgs) d'émissions de gaz à effet de serre ont été évitées

  • Débris pour les sites d'enfouissement

    Débris pour les sites d'enfouissement 7 536 lb (6 838 kg) de débris de construction ont été évitées

Services supplémentaires à cet emplacement

  • Camions de déménagement

    Nous avons la plus grande sélection de camions neufs!

  • Remorques et remorquage

    Nos remorques fermées et ouvertes sont offertes à partir de 14,95 $!

  • Libre-entreposage

    Nous offrons la plus grande couverture en Amérique du Nord!

  • Conteneurs U-Box®

    Nous expédions à l'autre bout de la ville et à l'autre bout du monde!

  • Accessoires de déménagement

    Nous vendons des centaines de produits qui facilitent les déménagements!

  • Attaches de remorque

    U-Haul est l'installateur numéro 1 d'attaches de remorque en Amérique du Nord.

  • Propane

    Service de propane livré directement à votre porte!

  • Camions à vendre

    Nous offrons la plus grande sélection de l'industrie!

  • Historique

    Nous avons un programme de récupération adaptative visant à améliorer l'environnement!

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