Adaptive Reuse at U-Haul of West Town
(E Of West Town Mall)
Consulter la carte de l'établissement
Services dans cet établissement :
Pour nous contacter
7209 Kingston Pike SWKnoxville, TN 37919
(E Of West Town Mall)
Services dans cet établissement :
Heures d’ouverture
- Du lundi au jeudi : de 7 h a.m. à 7 h p.m.
- Vendredi : de 7 h a.m. à 8 h p.m.
- Samedi : de 7 h a.m. à 7 h p.m.
- Dimanche : de 9 h a.m. 5 h p.m.
- Inspection gratuite du remorquage
- Propane payable à la pompe
- Échange de bonbonne de propane
- Retour client 24 heures

Adaptive Reuse in Knoxville, TN at U-Haul of West Town

Histoire du bâtiment
Since its establishment in 1923, Mayfield Dairy Farms has evolved into one of the leading milk and ice cream product companies in the United States. The company started as a family farm in McMinn County, Tennessee and has continued to be a family-run business ever since. In 1833, Thomas Brummitt Mayfield and Sarah Rudd Mayfield established a farm on 510 acres east of Athens on Madisonville Road. T.B. Mayfield Jr. Would go on to purchase 45 Jersey cows in 1910 and began a milk delivery service to the residents of Athens, Tennessee. Mayfield Jr. also established a milk plant in 1922 to make pasteurized milk available for the first time in McMinn County. One year later, Mayfield Jr. and his wife Goldie bought a ten-gallon ice cream freezer and named the business Mayfield Creamery.
The Mayfield Creamery was largely successful and even survived the difficult economic times of the Great Depression. In the postwar boom of the late 1940s, the Mayfields decided to upgrade and expand their operations, building a modern milk and ice cream plant in Athens between 1948 and 1950. Over the next two decades, the Mayfields continued to improve operations, and they were the first in Tennessee to ship milk in mechanically refrigerated trucks. In 1977, Mayfield expanded its ice cream sales into the Atlanta market.
In the mid-1980s, Goldie D. Mayfield and her children operated a 1,400-acre farm, while the company expanded sales of the Mayfield dairy and ice cream brand. Dean Foods of Illinois, acquired the Mayfield brand in 1990, but kept everyday affairs in the capable hands of the Mayfield family. The company built its second plant for milk production in Georgia in 1997, but the company has since grown to 325 farms across the Southern United States that supply milk to Mayfield Dairy Farms.
The Mayfield Dairy Farms building was built in 1955 and U-Haul acquired the building in 1977. La réutilisation adaptative des bâtiments permet à U-Haul de promouvoir l'aménagement intercalaire pour répondre aux besoins des citoyens tout en préservant les ressources naturelles et les terrains normalement nécessaires à une construction neuve. La réutilisation adaptative permet également de concentrer les ressources sur l'intégration d'éléments respectueux de l'environnement dans le bâtiment existant plutôt que de créer des déchets par la démolition et d'utiliser des ressources précieuses pour de nouvelles constructions.
Impact environnemental
Au service des clients depuis 1977, cet emplacement a été construit par réutilisation adaptative d'un bâtiment abandonné. La réutilisation adaptative favorise l'aménagement intercalaire dans le but de renforcer les communautés. Parmi les bienfaits obtenus, la réutilisation a permis d'éviter :
- la fabrication et le transport de 21 tonnes de métal
- 745 tons of new concrete pours avoided
- 772 tons of construction and demolition debris prevented
Energy-efficiency and waste-reduction programs at this facility provide the following estimated benefits each year for the Knoxville community:
- prévenir l'émission de 400 449 lb de gaz à effet de serre
Production de l'acier La fabrication et le transport de 21 tonnes (19 tonnes métriques) d'acier ont été évités à ce jour
Energie Des économies de 0 kWh par année
Concrete 745 tons (676 tonnes) of new concrete pours avoided to date
Émissions Émissions de 400 449 lb (181 642 kg) de gaz à effet de serre évitées
Landfill Debris 772 lbs (701 kgs) of construction debris prevented
Services supplémentaires à cet emplacement
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